Herbert Hamak Selected Works
in thegentry.com project for contemporary art online at
www.thegentry.com in collaboration with Christopher Grimes Gallery, Santa


Contact: James Linza, Managing Director
Tele: (561) 301-2475
e-mail: [log in to unmask]


Selected Works
May 10 - June 30, 2000

James Linza in collaboration with Christopher Grimes Gallery, Santa Monica
announces a BOX
opening with an installation of paintings by artist Herbert Hamak.

INTERNET [www.thegentry.com]  May 5, 2000 - James Linza, of Virtual
Velocities, founder of The High End
Group of Earth's New Techonology Resource Yield otherwise known as THEGENTRY
project for
contemporary art, has teamed up with Christopher Grimes Gallery, Santa
Monica to present select images
of Herbert Hamak's paintings in the online space of Linza & Company
Galleries called BOX.

The work rings of freedom, it is not connected with any premise outside
itself, and does not depend on any.
Selections from Hamak's 1998 Tokyo installation, clarify and emphasize the
architectural nature of the
artist's vision.

Ulrich Loock wrote in his piece Specific Color on Herbert Hamak "Colour, in
this painting, is presented as a
space-displacing, semi-transparent or almost opaque mass, with immediately
tangible weight. The canvas
functions explicitly as support for the colour material. Herbert Hamak feels
confirmed in his practice by a
sentence of Philip Otto Runge, who advised against ignoring the mass of

Hamak, after attempts to build up oil paint as thickly as possible on
canvas, began for technical reasons to
experiment with color saturated wax. The work now resonates with
luminescence and mass, brilliance and
architectural form. Mainly monochromatic, though often containing slight
streaks or stratification, the work
relates painting to solid sculptural form. Connecting with the development
in Modern art whose intention is to
exclude from painting everything which is not an essential part of painting
itself, this work transcends and
succeeds in that effort.

Linza was introduced to Herbert Hamak's work by Christopher Grimes at Art
Miami 2000 and immediately
invited Hamak to show in BOX. This opening is the first exhibition the BOX
space has done with the German
artist Hamak and is being presented to coincide with Christopher Grimes
Gallery's participation in Art
Chicago 2000.

The BOX of thegentry.com project is where an invited artist can present a
single piece,  a complete body of
work, or a groundbreaking installation of experimental contemporary art in
real time.

The BOX project is http://www.thegentry.com. The Herbert Hamak exhibition
runs online from
May 10 - June 30, 2000.

thegentry.com project for contemporary art is an Internet based
e-commerce site that sustains programming in visual arts, poetry, arts news
and education, and critical discourse.


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