The Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Full-time (available beginning of May)

The Los Angeles County Museum of Art is seeking a qualified person
who will be the Assistant Registrar for Outgoing Loans. LACMA has requests
to lend to about 100- 125 lenders a year. This person must be knowledgeable
in the fine aspects of shipping and packing objects for loan exhibitions,
customs, filling out loan agreements, condition reporting, courier
requirements, insurance of loans, understanding what is needed in a facility
report, writing and communication skills and able to coordinate the incoming
and outgoing of many loans of the permanent collection at the same time. The
qualified person must be able to work with curators, art packers,
conservators,  and other registrars with ease and confidence.  This person
should be able to meet deadlines and make prompt replies to loan requests.
The loan activity has recently been entered on MULTI-MIMSY.  The qualified
person must be flexible and computer literate in a variety of databases.
Reports to Associate Registrar and Head Registrar.
Full Benefits package available.

Please send a resume with cover letter to:
Kristin Watring
Human Resources Department
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
5905 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, Ca 90036
[log in to unmask]
Ted A. Greenberg
Head Registrar
(323) 857-4727
e-mail: [log in to unmask]

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