I've been involved with exhibit planning where we used the "tripartite"
label. It satisfied those who breeze through exhibits wanting mostly just
the name of the object and perhaps from whence it comes, those who want a
little information, and those who want to really learn about the item or
panel.  It worked very well.

Jerrie Clarke
Curator of Collections
Valdez Museum

>From: Laura Petznick <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Exhibition TExt/LABELS
>Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 12:45:25 -0500
>Museum labeling is a bit of a pet-peeve of mine. I fully recognize that the
>general public generally prefers concise labels with only the most
>significant information, however as a perpetual student, I often find
>craving MORE!!!
>I have developed some technical ways around this problem but remain
>interested in knowing your opinions on the subject. (I perhaps should state
>that I am familiar with published opinions on the subject.)
>At the TAM/KAM (TN Assoc. of Museums and the KY Assoc. of Museums)
>conference last week, Sharilyn Reec
>of the NEA suggested using several labels with different voices to appeal
>different audiences (e.g. a label from a curator, one from a child and one
>from a "typical" visitor). For those of you who create and design museum
>text for labels and exhibits, what do you think of the "tripartite" label?
>Just curious.
>Laura Petznick, Ph.D.
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