Institute for Learning Innovation
Professional Development Seminar
Thursday, November 19, 1998 from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
“Audience Evaluation and the Exhibit Design Process:
Thoughts from the Field”
Two well-respected designers from the Washington DC area, James Sims,
principal of Threshold Studio, and Hank Grasso, principal of Hank Grasso
Planning & Design, Incorporated, will comment on their experiences and
observations on the role and uses of audience evaluation in the exhibit
design process.
James Sims has recently designed “Creating American Jews” at the
National Museum of American Jewish History, “Pursuing Refinement” at
Historic Deerfield, and “Amistad: A True Story of Freedom” at the
Connecticut Historical Society. As senior designer at the National
Museum of American History, Mr. Sims designed “Men and Women: Who Wears
the Pants?” and “Field to Factory: Afro-American Migration, 1915- 1940,”
awarded the “Best Exhibition” prize by the Smithsonian Institution in
1993. Since 1987 Mr. Sims has been a member of the graduate faculty in
museum studies at the George Washington University.
Hank Grasso specializes in the development of interpretive exhibits
through holistic and inclusive design processes. He previously worked
for six years as a senior exhibition designer at the National Museum of
American History. Through case studies, he will illustrate the design
products and survey strategies used to investigate audience
expectations, misconceptions, and current knowledge levels. In
addition, he will discuss how the audience information gathered was
ultimately employed in the crafting of visitor experiences.
Thursday, November 19, 1998 from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
A wine and cheese reception will follow.
Institute for Learning Innovation
166 West Street, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 268-5149
Please RSVP by Tuesday November 17 via phone or email,
to Dale Jones at: [log in to unmask]
Limited seating, no fee required
(Location TBA in Annapolis. Please indicate an email and/or fax number
to receive confirmation and directions.)
The Institute for Learning Innovation Professional Development Seminars
are designed to provide area professionals with opportunities to share
new ideas and information related to research, evaluation and
educational development in the area of free-choice learning.