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Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
"Verlag Dr. C. Mueller-Straten" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 29 May 1998 12:33:45 +0200
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Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
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Dear Hugh,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>up to now now statement by Patrick has reached me. Please keep in
mind, that I am not the organziser of the symposion (which is UNESCO-ISSOM
Brno), nor the member of the founding committee of IAM. But anyway, knowing some
of the  background persons and ideas, let me answer your mail openly.

> I want to add some of my concerns to those of Patrick Boylan concerning
> this proposed meeting and journal.  This is the first notice that I have
> seen for this meeting.  It is very late to be contemplating travel to an
> international meeting.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The one interested in the symposion and/or the first foundation
eeting are invited to come to Tutzing. For those not being able to come to
Tutzing, there will be further written informations as a well as a presentation
of the IAM by Dr. Schaerer at the Australian ICOM conference. Dr. Schaerer is one
of the leading members of the foundation group.

 Furthermore, the site selected for the meeting is
> not particularly accessible for international travelers and is certain to
> add to travel expenses.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Munich, Germany is in the middle of Europe and has not only a
main station but also a modern airport. Suburban trains are running from the
airport to town as well as to Tutzing. Language there will be English and

> I am totally surprised to see the the title for the new journal has been
> selected and surprise! surprise! it is WUNDERKAMMER.  One of those
> wonderful German words made by putting two words together to form a third,
> which leads to debates as to its meaning.  We can probably also expect a
> certain number of papers discussing the difference between WUNDERKAMMER and
> KUNSTKAMMER, which came first, and which is most appropriate to use.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do not see any need to discuss the difference Kunst- und
Wunderkammer. As an established term people with interest in the history of
museums will know this term as well as the other mentioned below. Do also not
forget the question of copyright of the titles of printed material! All
magazines titles connected with museum are, under legal auspices, a problem. I
agree with you, that Wunderkammer is a wonderful word ("Chamber of wonders"),
because it fits very good to the museum as a place of wonders and a place where
people can learn to wonder and learn again. The dash, by the way, behind Kunst
says in German that this is an abbreviation of "KUNSTKAMMER AND WUNDERKAMMER".
It allows  to use only one kammer in the term. The term "KUNST- UND
WUNDERKAMMER" means not two things, but one place, both for artefacts and
> Because the modern museum movement has its roots in renaissance Italy and
> not Germany, it would be more logical for an international journal with
> ties to UNESCO to draw it title from that period.  For example, STUDIOLO,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was not speaking about the modern museum movement, I
was speaking about the deep roots of museology in Germany. I can not explain
this further here (scientists on the topic have shown this many times in their
publications!). See for example the upcoming publication "Introduction to
Museology - the European Approach" by Ivo Maroevic, which will be on sale in
English at this meeting.
The magazine will bear this title, which is already entered in the publishing
lists. A change of name or a new discussion of the name is not possible anymore.

 The people using these names were
> gathering material for research and were documenting the collections.
> Names associated with these activities would seem more appropriate to the
> proposed journal than would activities and motivations associated with

What will be the acceptable languages for the
> journal?  French? German? Italian? English?

Please, remember, this was the 1st INFO. More are to follow. It is agreed that
the language of this publication will German and English.
> If this an organization with activities associated with UNESCO, why isn't
> it being headquartered in Paris?
This is not an UNESCO organisation. This also is not an ICOM organisation. But
close cooperation with all important associations and institution (ICOFOM etc.)
is intended.
Best regards

Dr. Christian Mueller-Straten
> >Excuse crosspostings!
> >
> >Verlag Dr. C. Mueller-Straten, Kunzweg 23, D-81243 Muenchen,
> >Tel/Fax: 089-839 690 43,
> >
> >________________________________________________________________
> >
> >INFO 1
> >During the symposion "New collection strategies - from analysis to new
> >models",
> >held Oct. 6th and 7th, 1998, at Lake Starnberg, near Munich, Germany,
> >there will
> >be the founding of the IAM at 19.00 h. The symposion will be organized by the
> >UNESCO financed International Summer School of Museology (ISSOM) and the
> >Masaryk
> >University, Brno, Tchech Republic. Conference language will English and
> >German.
> >
> >Meeting place is Evangelische Academy, Tutzing, directly at the lake. Tutzing
> >can be reached by suburban trains from Munich main station ending in Tutzing.
> >
> >The IAM
> >The IAM will not only be an organisation of scientists, but also of all
> >interested in museology, of museum workers, volonteers, students in
> >museology as
> >well as museology grounded firms. ICOM-membership is not needed.
> >IAM will not only develop and promote museological thinking as a useful
> >science,
> >but also care for the vested interests of people interested in museology.
> >As Museology has deep roots in Germany, the seat of the IAM will be in
> >Leipzig,
> >Germany.
> >The IAM will have an annual meeting and will organize conferences.
> >The IAM will have its own publishing organ, named WUNDERKAMMER. 1-2 issues a
> >year are included in the membership fee.
> >Three kinds of membership will be possible:
> >- persons with vested interests in museology (full members)
> >- students and members of the first group out of work (additional members)
> >- supporting firms.
> >
> >For further informations see upcoming eMails.
> >
> >Dr. C. Mueller-Straten
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Hugh H. Genoways
> Professor
> University of Nebraska State Museum, and
> School of Natural Resource Sciences
> W436 Nebraska Hall
> University of Nebraska-Lincoln
> Lincoln, NE   68588-0514
> Voice:  no telephone
> FAX  (402)  472-8949
> Chair and Professor
> Museum Studies Program
> 307 Morrill Hall
> University of Nebraska-Lincoln
> Lincoln, NE 68588-0356
> Voice: 402-472-2012
> Email:  [log in to unmask]

Verlag Dr. C. Mueller-Straten, Kunzweg 23, D-81243 Muenchen,
Tel/Fax: 089-839 690 43,