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Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Friedrich Waidacher <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 15:21:27 +0100
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Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
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I cannot give you a simple answer but checked my museology data base. Here
is the result. Some of the citations, however, are in German. I still hope
you can find something useful. (Sorry for the poor layout - I do  not know
how to better transfer Access to Eudora).

Best wishes,

"""Design Criteria"", Museum Practice 1:2, July 1996: 42-43."
"""Schema des Arbeitsablaufes für Museumseinrichtungen"", o. J."
"Adams, G. D., ""Using Research to Guide the Development of an
African-American Exhibit"", in: Thompson, D., A. Benefield et al. (Hrsg.),
Visitor Studies: Theory, Research, and Practice. Vol. 5. Jacksonville, Al.,
1993: 136-142."
Alexander, C., S. Ishikawa, M. Silverstein et al., A pattern language. New
York 1977.
"Allport, F. H., ""Melton, A. W., Problems of Installation in Museums of
Art. Book Review"", The Psychological Bulletin XXXIII, 1936: 654-659."
Almasan, A. et al., Neue Methoden der Ausstellungsplanung in Museen.
Abschlußbericht. Karlsruhe 1993.
"Almasan, A., ""Modelle als Testinstrumente bei der Ausstellungsplanung"",
in: Karlsruher Schriften für Besucherforschung 1, 1991: 25-47."
"André, J., ""It's the emotion which matters"", (aus: Muse, Spring 1984:
14-20), in: University of Victoria (Hrsg.), Introduction to Museums Studies
III. Victoria, B. C., 1985."
"Baker, C. L., ""Planning Exhibits: From Concept to Opening"", American
Association for State and Local History, Technical Leaflet 137, History News
36/4, April 1981."
Barnett, R., The Role of Project Management and the Project Manager in Large
Scale Exhibit Development. Budapest, Oktober 1988. (Mit Zusammenfassung in
Brief 10, 1989: 1-2).
"Bedford, L., ""Finding common ground"", Curator 38/1, 1995: 14-30."
Belcher, M., Exhibitions in museums. Washington D. C. 1992.
Bickford, A., Z. D. Doering und S. J. Smith, Spiders Are Coming! : An
Exhibition Background Study for the National Museum of Natural History.
Institutional Studies, Report 92-4, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.
C. July 1992.
"Bicknell, S. und P. Mann (1992), ""A picture of visitors for exhibition
developers"", in: Hooper-Greenhill, E. (Hrsg.), The Educational Role of the
Museum. (Leicester Readers in Museum Studies). London/New York 1995: 195-203."
"Bicknell, S. und P. Mann, ""A Picture of Visitors for Exhibition
Developers"", in: Thompson, D., A. Benefield et al. (Hrsg.), Visitor
Studies: Theory, Research, and Practice. Vol. 5. Jacksonville, Al., 1993:
"Bienkowski, P., ""Soft Systems in Museums: A Case Study of Exhibition
Planning and Implementation Processes"", Museum Management and Curatorship
13/3, 1994: 233-250."
"Bitgood, S., ""The Anatomy of An Exhibit"", Visitor Behavior VII/4, 1992:
"Bogle, E., ""What Does an Exhibit Designer Do?"", (aus: History News
December 1982: 24-26), in: University of Victoria (Hrsg.), Introduction to
Museums Studies III. Victoria, B. C., 1985."
"Borun, M., ""Vorab-Evaluation: ein Instrument für die Ausstellungs- und
Programmplanung"", in: Karlsruher Schriften für Besucherforschung 4, 1993:
"Bouwmeester, W., ""Display and Conservation. Design with Conservation in
Mind"", Museum Practice 1:2, July 1996: 44-46."
"Bowles, A., ""The Eyes Have It"", Museum Development, November 1994: 24."
"British Columbia Provincial Museum, ""Guidelines for the Planning of
Travelling Displays"", in: University of Victoria (Hrsg.), Introduction to
Museums Studies III. Victoria, B. C., 1985."
British Columbia Provincial Museum, Specifications Docket, in: University of
Victoria (Hrsg.), Introduction to Museums Studies III. Victoria, B. C., 1985.
"Buchsteiner, T., ""Ausstellungsmanagement"", in: Bendixen, P., Handbuch
Kulturmanagement. 1992."
Canadian Museum of Civilization, Lost Visions, Forgotten Dreams. Information
Package. Quebec 1996.
"De Borhegyi, S. (1978), ""Museum brainstorming: a creative approach to
exhibit planning"", in: Moore, K. (Hrsg.), Museum Management. (Leicester
Readers in Museum Studies). London/New York, 1994: 88-94."
Dean, D., Museum exhibition: Theory and practice. London/New York, 1994.
"Deck. L., ""Developer to Evaluators: How Are We Doing?"", History News
49/6, 1994: 25-28."
Éri, I., Tendencies in design and arrangement of exhibitions in the last 40
years in Hungary. Paper presented at the annual conference 1988 of the
International Committee for Architecture and Museum Techniques (ICOM) in
Budapest. Budapest, 1988.
"Esolen, G., ""Dialectics for the Muses"", (aus: Museum News, 60/5, 1982:
29-31), in: University of Victoria (Hrsg.), Introduction to Museums Studies
III. Victoria, B. C., 1985."
"Fekete, G., ""Some thoughts on the practical questions of arranging
exhibitions"", in: Éri, I. (Hrsg.), The problems of contents. Didactics and
aesthetics of modern museum exhibitions. Budapest, 1978: xx-xx."
Fronville, C. L., Geography: An Exploratory Study for the National
Geographic Society and the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition
Service. Institutional Studies, Report 90-5, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington D. C. May 1990.
"Graf, B., ""'Evaluation' als Basis zur Planung von Museen und
Ausstellungen"", in: Auer,  H. (Hrsg.), Bewahren und Ausstellen : Die
Forderung des kulturellen Erbes in Museen. München/New York/London/Paris 1984."
"Grasso, H. und H. Morrison (1992), ""Collaboration: towards a more holistic
design process"",  in: Hooper-Greenhill, E. (Hrsg.), The Educational Role of
the Museum. (Leicester Readers in Museum Studies). London/New York, 1994:
"Guthrie, M. H., ""Educational design in the museum : A Report for the
Reinwardt Academy"", in: Exhibition design as an educational tool.
(Reinwardt Studies in Museology 1). Leiden, 1984: 11-36."
Herbst, W. und K. G. Levykin (Hrsg.), Museologie. Berlin, 1988.
"Herger, P., ""Gedanken zu Grundlagen, Prinzipien und Leitlinien der
Gestaltung naturkundlicher Ausstellungen"", Museumskunde 58 (2/3), 1993:
"Heuman Gurian, E. ""Noodling Around with Exhibition Opportunities"", in:
Karp, I. und S. D. Lavine (Hrsg.), Exhibiting cultures : the poetics and
politics of museum display. Washington/London 1991: 176-190."
Hjorth, J., M. Flink et al., How to make a rotten exhibition. Stockholm, 1978.
"Janson-Smith, D., ""Learning the Steps"", Museum Development, September
1994: 27-29."
Jones, W., Exhibit Planning, Development, and Implementation Procedures.
(Center for Social Design, Technical Report No. 87-60). Jacksonville, Al., 1986.
"Korek, J., ""Concept: The principal element of exhibitions"", in: Éri, I.
(Hrsg.), The problems of contents. Didactics and aesthetics of modern museum
exhibitions. Budapest, 1978: xx-xx."
"Korn, R., ""An Analysis of Differences Between Visitors at Natural History
Museums and Science Centers"", Curator 38/3, 1995: 150-160."
"Kösel, E., ""Didaktische und psychologische Grundprobleme einer
Museologie"", in: UNESCO (Hrsg.), Museologie. Pullach, 1973: 102-107."
"Krüger, H., ""Arbeitsprogramm zur Gestaltung eines Schaubereiches"", in:
Kulturbauten 4/1, 1988: 28-29."
"Krüger, H., ""Von der Aus-Stellung zum Schau-Museum"", in: Kulturbauten
4/1, 1988: 26-28."
Krüger, H., Pückler's Werk im Museum Schloß Branitz, Cottbus. Andeutungen zu
einem Arbeitsprogramm im Schaubereich. Unveröffentlichtes Manuskript, o. J.
"Leon, W., ""A Broader Vision: Exhibits That Change the Way Visitors Look at
the Past"", in: Blatti, J. (Hrsg.), Past meets present. Washington D. C.,
1987: 133-152."
"Luven, P. v. und C. Miller, ""Concepts in Context: Conceptual Frameworks,
Evaluation and Exhibition Development"", in: Thompson, D., A. Benefield et
al. (Hrsg.), Visitor Studies: Theory, Research, and Practice. Vol. 5.
Jacksonville, Al., 1993: 116-124."
"Madsen, F. und A. T. Madsen, ""A Tool for Exhibit Planning and Design
Methodology"", Visitor Behavior XII/1 & 2, 1997: 12-14."
McLean, K., Planning for People in Museum Exhibitions. Washington D. C., 1993.
"Melton, A. W., ""Some Behavior Characteristics of Museum Visitors"", The
Psychological Bulletin XXX, 1933:720-721."
"Melton, A. W., ""Visitor Behavior in Museums. Some Early Research in
Environmental Design"", Human Factors 14/5, 1972: 393-403."
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über erste Erfahrungen"", in: Auer, H. (Hrsg.), Museologie: neue Wege - neue
Ziele... München/London/New York/Paris, 1989: 252-257."
"Miles, R. (1985), ""Exhibitions: management, for a change"", in: Moore, K.
(Hrsg.), Museum Management. (Leicester Readers in Museum Studies).
London/New York, 1994: 256-261."
"Miles, R. S. und Tout, A. F. (1991), ""Impact of research on the approach
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London/New York, 1994: 101-106."
"Miles, R. S., ""Planning the work"", in: ISSOM (Hrsg.), Museum Display.
Brno, 1994: 42-48."
"Miles, R. S., ""Too Many Cooks Boil the Wroth - Exhibits, Teams,
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"Munro, P. S., ""Kreativitätstraining für Ausstellungsmacher: Ein
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"Rice, D., ""Examining exhibits"", Museum News, 68/6, 1989: 47-50."
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"Schueler, F. W., ""Storylines and Objects: Authenticity in Exhibits"",
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"Screven, C. D., ""Lernen und Motivation von Besuchern in Ausstellungen:
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"Serrell, B., ""Characteristics of a Positive Museum Experience (PME)"", in:
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