Although I'm a Baltimore Museum and Arts supporter, You can't blame this on the
city. It was poorly thought out from the get go. The purpose of the Columbus
Center and it's presence in the community was never defined. Nobody knew what
it was about and why they should go.
Now the Powers-That-Be are bemaoning the fact that the community is appathetic
to learning, the local gov. doesn't care enough etc..
The fact of the matter is none ever fiqured out why they were expected to go to
this new place and drop 5 or 6 bucks to get in. And no one knew why it was
different from the Science Center, very nearby, which is popular and well
visited. I done some computer work at the Columbus Center before the public
museum section was open, and the people who worked there couldn't even explain
what the place was all about. I thought it was Top Secret Gov. place......
This is more of a lesson of how not to launch a cultural institution than how
the local gov. has failed once again.