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Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Lydia Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 5 Jun 1997 10:26:17 MST7MDT
Southern Utah University
Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (73 lines)

Every year, we host an exhibit by another community art organization.
 (Their exhibit has a call for entries, though, it is NOT an exhibit
of their personal work.)  The way we keep things at "arms length" is
that we treat them as though they were renting our space and
services.  We bill them for the time we spend hanging the exhibit,
advertising the exhibit/events, and facilitating the judging
(announcement mailings, care and return of slides,
notification to winners, etc.)  It usually costs about $900-$1000.
They pay this bill with the entry fees they collect ($25 each),
private donations they receive, and grant money they receive.
Members of the group can purchase pieces from the exhibit without
a commission going to our gallery (save 25%), since it is THEIR

This works very well for all of us---they are essentially a volunteer
group, and don't have the expertise to stage an exhibit
professionally, but have a rich tradition of annual national juried
exhibits (next year will be the 57th annual exhibit!).  They are not
interested in making a profit---they are interested in bringing new,
contemporary art to our area.  We are able to offer the services and
space they can't provide themselves, and get reimbursed for it.

In your situation, the exhibit only lasts a weekend (ours runs for a
month).  I assume the Art Guild members take on most of the
responsibility for hanging, selling, etc.  I suggest you forgo the
suggested commission, and just rent them the space for a nominal
amount of money.  Do not advertise the exhibit as "The Morton
Arboretum presents..."---make sure that the exhibit is billed, "The
Morton Artists Guild presents their annual <whatever>" and refer to
the Arboretum in your directions on how to get to the exhibit.  Keep
things "clean" between the two entities, so there are no
misconceptions.  I understand this is a group "close to the
Arboretum's heart" and if you emphasize that the Arboretum doesn't
want to take away from sales, but wants to be supportive of the
project by renting out the space, that should make sense to everyone
involved...(it also keeps you out of political difficulties---why
didn't so-and-so's art sell?  Why did you put so-and-so's paintings
in the corner, and whats-her-name's paintings are on the front wall?
How could you ever show THAT offensive junk in here? etc.---it's all
up to the Guild, you just rent the space...)

Our Friends of the Gallery host an annual Art Auction as a
fundraiser.  I help with the facilitation of this event, but all
proceeds go to the Friends, who, in turn, decide on their own
projects.  The event is held away from the gallery, and spearheaded
by the Friends Board and volunteers.  I try to make it very clear
that my involvement is part of my support/membership in the Friends.
I try very hard to keep a very low profile during the event---this is
a FRIENDS event.  The money they raise ($10,000!) is THEIR money to
spend on whatever project THEY decide.  In the past, gallery
directors have viewed that money raised as dollars that should go
into the operating budget of the gallery---but that was so offensive
to the Friends, that membership dropped off and the group dwindled to
nothing.  Keep some distance between your museum and your Artists
Guild, and there will be more mutual respect and more tendency to
work together towards a mutually-agreeable end...

My two cents...

Lydia Johnson
Acting Director
Museums and Galleries at Southern Utah University
351 West Center Street
Cedar City, Utah 84720
(801) 586-5432

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