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Kerridwen Harvey <[log in to unmask]>
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Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 1 Oct 1996 13:30:31 EST
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     Organized Tours at MCN '96/CHIN '96 (Ottawa, Canada, October
     30-November 2, 1996)

     Several pre- and post-conference tours are being offered at this
     year's conference for conference registrants.  Note that the Montreal
     tour has been cancelled due to insufficient interest.  However, Nicole
     Vallieres of the McCord Museum of Canadian History (Montreal) will be
     on hand at the conference to provide you with tips and travel
     literature should you wish to explore Montreal on your own.

     To reserve a space in a tour, contact Kerridwen Harvey or Gail Eagen
     at (819) 994-1200 (tel); (819) 994-9555 (fax); [log in to unmask]
     (e-mail) *by October 11th*.  Cite the tour number when you reserve.

     You may also visit the Registration/Information Desk at the conference
     to register, but we encourage you to register in advance since space
     is limited in all tours and *all tours are subject to cancellation due
     to insufficient registration*.  Upon arrival at the conference, visit
     the Registration/Information Desk to pay for your tour.

     Costs given are approximate. Exact costs will be available at the
     conference. Costs of tours cover transportation.  (Walking tour costs
     cover Heritage Ottawa's fees.)

     Transportation for tours:
     Buses will be provided to transport you from the Westin Hotel to and
     from all *pre-conference* tours. Transportation to tours at Canadian
     Museum of Civilization on Saturday, November 2 is not provided.

     Pre-Conference Tours on Wednesday, October 30:

     TOUR # 1 & #2: Collections and Conservation Tour, National Museum of
     Science & Technology
     1867 St. Laurent Boulevard, Ottawa
     Wednesday, October 30, 10:00 am - 12:00 noon (TOUR #1). Repeated from
     1:00 - 3:00 pm (TOUR #2).
     A behind-the-scenes tour of the collections of Canada's largest
     science and technology museum, as well as a chance to meet with
     conservators to look at ongoing work in preservation and conservation.
     Minimum: 5 people for each tour
     Cost: $20

     TOUR #3: Visual Information Technology at the Institute for
     Information Technology National Research Council
     Building M-50, Montreal Road Campus, Ottawa Wednesday, October 30,
     10:00 -11:30 am
     This tour will feature a demonstration of the 3-D colour digital
     imaging technology developed for museum applications by the National
     Research Council, in collaboration with the Canadian Conservation
     Institute. This system enables the digitization of high resolution 3-D
     colour archival quality images of objects which can be used for a wide
     range of museum applications - including interactive multimedia
     presentations. The technology is currently being developed as the
     Hymarc ColorScan digitizing station as part of the AMUSE (Access to
     MUSEums) Project. A panel presentation and discussion on the full
     AMUSE project will also be given during the Conference.
     Maximum: 25 people
     Cost: $20

     TOUR #4: Tour of the Canadian Conservation Institute 1030 Innes Road,
     Wednesday, October 30, 1:00 - 4:00 pm
     In-depth tour of internationally renowned conservation labs and
     research centre. Minimum: 10; maximum: 20 people
     Cost: $25

     TOUR #5: Collections Tours at the Canadian Museum of Civilization 100
     Laurier Street, Hull
     Wednesday, October 30, 7:30-8:30 pm (during reception)
     Staff of CMC's Collections Management Services division will lead two
     behind-the-scenes collections tours. The tours will allow visitors to
     view some of CMC's collection of over 3 million artifacts as well as
     the storage facilities in which they are housed. Tours available in
     English and French. Note: these tours will be repeated post-conference
     (see Saturday, November
     Maximum: 25 people for each tour
     Cost: free of charge.

     Post-conference tours on Saturday, November 2:

     TOURS #6 & #7: Collections Tours at the Canadian Museum of
     Civilization 100 Laurier Street, Hull
     2:00-3:00 pm (TOUR #6). Repeated from 3:00-4:00 pm (TOUR # 7)
     Staff of CMC's Collections Management Services division will lead two
     behind-the-scenes collections tours. The tours will allow visitors to
     view some of CMC's collection of over 3 million artifacts as well as
     the storage facilities in which they are housed. Tours available in
     English and French. Note: transportation not provided.
     Maximum: 25 people for each tour
     Cost: free of charge

     TOURS #8-#10: Walking Tours offered by Heritage Ottawa Afternoon
     (exact time to be announced).
     A tour of the nearby Sandy Hill and/or Lowertown areas will be
     offered, illustrating Ottawa's colourful history and heritage.  The
     tour will meet at the Westin Hotel and walk from there.
     Please specify whether you are interested in:
     TOUR #8 - of historic Sandy Hill (one of Ottawa's oldest residential
     neighbourhoods; 1.5 hours) (Cost: $8)
     TOUR # 9 - of historic Lowertown (a mixed residential/commercial
     historic district; 1.5 hours) (Cost: $8)
     TOUR #10 - Sandy Hill/Lowertown (3 hours) (Cost $10)