If anyone knows the identity of the person who sent the following message,
please get him or her some help.
Hank Burchard * <[log in to unmask]> * Washington DC
On 24 Aug 1996, MusmDesign wrote:
> Is the curatorial school of scholars lacking scholarship? or are they just
> holding on? Having worked with scholars, experts , curators, and others I
> see a certain return to "get the job done" promulgated by Directors which
> neither get it, or get it done.
> I don't mean to do a diatribe on directors, ill knowing, ill equipped, ill
> PAID, and sundry other items affecting most directors. I must say that
> most are ill paid, ill informed, and are not appreciated for what they do,
> whatever that is, (frustrated curators trying to make a point in their
> limited vocabulary of funds and mind). It is no excuse for blending the
> professions, most ill equipped to do just one thing at a time e.g.: nice
> silver, nice gold, I ask of you "do we need more curators, or do we need
> more understanding of what's valuable to keep for further generations"?
> A basic question is "How important are Hominid experiences relative to?
> Most directors are "moving on" to better pastures where they can be
> appreciated. those pastures are filled with cow shit as well as pearls
> disguised as sow's ears.