Great. Don't forget there's also that monument to ambulatory aids for
senior citizens -- the Walker Art Center, and the great archive of animal
skins -- the Hyde Collection, not to mention the only testimonial to
begging in the great West -- the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum.
Christine Mouw writes:
>I received my copy of August's "Spy" magazine today (with a "lovely"
>picture of a naked Martha Stewart on the cover--hoo!) and I found
>something I just had to pass on to the list!
>They have a little section on page 14 called "Naked City" and the
>title of one of the blurbs is "Patron of the Tarts, American Museums
>that Sound like Whorehouses." They are:
>Angel Mounds, Evansville, IN
>Donkey Milk House, Key West, FL
>Duvall Tool Museum, Croom, MD
>Gropius House, Lincoln, MA
>Hands On House, Lancaster, PA
>House of a Thousand Dolls, Loma, MT
>Lace House, Black Hawk, CO
>The Little Brick House, Vandalia, IL
>The London Brass Rubbing Center, Gaithersburg, MD
>My Jewish Discovery Place, Los Angeles, CA
>Queen Emma Summer Palace, Honolulu, HI
>The list was compiled by David Potorti for Spy.
>Well, if there's anyone on the list from these museums, look at it as
>free advertising. Perhaps you'll get a entirely new group of visitors
>out of it!
>Christine Mouw
>Assistant Curator
>Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum
>West Branch, IA 52358
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