We tried the Pigma pens for object marking as we were already using them
to write our tags. The problem was the barrier layer reacted with the
pen and dried the ink up. Our pens weren't lasting any time at all and
at $5 a pop this was not good. So we discontinued that idea and went
back to bottles of ink. Any ideas would be happily received.
Leah Breninger
Collection Manager
From: Paula Johnson
To: Multiple recipients of list MUSEUM-L
Subject: Re: Marking objects with Paraloid & pencil
Date: Wednesday, August 14, 1996 11:16AM
Are you concerned that pencil might not be dark enough? Another idea is
use a pigma pen (available through University Products in the US and at
book/stationery stores) instead of the pencil. The pens don't fade,
come in
different widths and last fairly well when properly cared for.