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Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 15 Dec 1995 18:03:00 +0000
Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (138 lines)
Dear Colleagues:

Here is a (non-comprehensive) bibliography for automated collections management
which I compiled for one of my members and thought I would also share with you.
My thanks to my colleagues at the other regional networks across Canada who
helped to contribute to this bibliography.

Pat Reed, Computer Advisory Coordinator
Ontario Museum Association
50 Baldwin St.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5T 1L4
Tel: 416-348-8672
Fax: 416-348-0438
e-mail: [log in to unmask]



British Columbia Museums Association
 'The Dogwood Regional Network Collections Data Entry Guide',  June

Describes Authority Lists, basic data entry conventions, skeletal records and
beyond, fields for data entry, measuring standards and a bibliography.

Price: $15.00 CAN
Order from: British Columbia Museums Association, 514 Government Street,
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, V8V 4X4.  Tel: 604-387-3315;  Fax: 604-387-
1251; e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

Museum Computer Network
 'Directory of Vendors and Consultants', December, 1994.

Price: $20.00 US
Order from:  Museum Computer Network, 8720 Georgia Avenue, Suite 501,
Silver Spring, MD, USA, Tel: 301-585-4413; Fax: 301-495-0810.

Museum Documentation Association
 'Spectrum Essentials', 1994.

Based on Spectrum: The UK Museum Documentation Standard.  Describes
procedures for documenting museum collections and the processes they
undergo.  Identifies the information which needs to be recorded to support
those procedures.

Price:  L10.50 UK
Order from: The Museum Documentation Association, Lincoln House, 347,
Cherry Hinton Road, Cambridge, England, CB1 4DH.

Ontario Museum Association
 'Planning for Your Museum's Automation', 1994, revised 1995.

Describes the process of automating collections management from hardware
and software to data standards and an overview of databases.

Price: $15.00 CAN + GST
Order from: Ontario Museum Association, 50 Baldwin ST., Toronto, Ontario,
Canada, M5T 1L4.  Tel: 416-348-8672; Fax: 416-348-0438; e-mail: can-
[log in to unmask]

Perkins, John
 'Planning for Museum Automation' 1993.

Materials for a course on planning for systems, from initial requirements
through implementation and on-going evaluation.  Developed by the
Museum Computer Network.  The Teacher's Guide includes one Student
workbook along with ideas for curriculum, resource lists and reproducible
overheads.  The Student workbook contains reduced versions of all the
overhead transparencies.

Price: $40.00 US
Order from: Archives and Museum Informatics, 5501 Walnut Street, Suite
203, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 15232-2311.  Tel: 412-683-9775; Fax: 412-683-7366.

La Societe Des Musees Quebecois
 'Automated Collections Management: Analysis of Computer
Applications for Quebec Museums'.  Version 2.0, January 1994.

Price: $8.50 CAN (includes GST and shipping in Canada)

 'Customizing a Computer Application for Quebec Museums:
Tendering Document, Analysis of Proposals, Customer Survey, Conclusions
and Recommendations'

Available in French and English.  Technical evaluation and documentation
functions evaluation of software for collections management.

Price: $12.30 CAN(includes GST and shipping in Canada)

 'Comment documenter vos collections? Le guide de documentation du
Reseau Info-Muse'

Pour vous aider a inventorier et cataloguer vos collections.  Le guide est
adapte a tous les types de collections (beaux-arts/arts decoratifs,
ethnologie/histoire, archeologie, sciences naturelles).

Price: Members of la SMQ: $110.00 CAN; non-members: $155.00 CAN
(includes GST and shipping in Canada)

 'Comment gerer vos collections? Le guide de gestion du Reseau Info-

Pour vous aider a gerer vos collections.  Ce guide presente les differentes
activites relies a l'utilisation des objets dans un contexte museal.  Il est un
document de reference pour tous les gestionnaires de collections museales.

Price: Members: $30 CAN; non-members: $35.00 CAN (includes GST and
shipping in Canada)

Order from: Publications, Societe des musees quebecois, C.P. 8888, Succ.
Centre-Ville, UQAM, Montreal, Quebec, H3C 3P8.  Tel: 514-987-3264; Fax: 514-
987-3379; e-mail: [log in to unmask]

Williams, David W.

 'A Guide to Museum Computing', 1987.

Describes selecting, buying and using computers in your museum.  Written
for the first-time computer user.  Gives practical information about applying
small computers to registration and collections management.  Has not been
updated since 1987.  This book is currently out of print, however, a limited
number of copies are still available from the American Association for State
and Local History.

Price: $5.00 US (includes shipping)
Order from: American Association for State and Local History, 530 Church St.,
Suite 600, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 37219.  Tel: 615-255-2971; Fax: 615-255-