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Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 8 Feb 1995 23:09:49 -0500
Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (200 lines)
Dear Colleagues,
Please take this seriously, it was past on to my by the American Institute
of Conservation's liaison to MCN, Lisa Mibach......   read on......
Suzanne Quigley    [log in to unmask]
>Hi Suzanne-I don't remember if I mentioned, but I just got back from an NEH
>Panel in Washington, and the mood was not optimistic.  Please broadcast this
>as best you can or as you feel appropriate
>  To:     AIC Members
>    From:   Sarah Z. Rosenberg
>    Subject: Urgent need for calls or letters supporting the
>            reauthorization of and appropriations for the IMS, NEH, and NEA.
>    Date:   31 Jan 95
>    As I indicated in January AIC News, reauthorization of and
>    appropriations for the three federal cultural agencies is in
>    jeopardy. Each of these agencies provides funding for conservation
>    projects that is essential to the future well-being of the
>    profession.  During the past fiscal year they funded conservation
>    projects totaling nearly $10 million dollars which was often
>    increased five-fold by the matching funds each project raised.
>    Elimination of these agencies could mean a loss of $50 million in
>    work for conservators and could throw the whole arts support
>    structure into crisis.  Support for the reauthorization of and
>    funding for the cultural agencies should not be a partisan issue.
>    Both parties should value the preservation of our national
>    patrimony.
>    If you have already written to your congressional delegation, thank
>    you and please send me a copy.  If you have yet to write, please
>    note that 60 national arts and humanities organizations established
>    a 1-800-651-1575 number to assist supporters of the agencies in
>    sending a unified message to Congress.  For $9.50, three Western
>    Union mailgrams will be hand delivered the next day to the caller's
>    U.S. Representative and two U.S. Senators.  The mailgram will
>    address the reasons for supporting these agencies.  Please act
>    now--all you have to do is call.
>    If your Senator or Representative is on one of the authorization or
>    appropriations subcommittees listed below, it is particularly
>    crucial that you make your views known to them.
>    Addressing Correspondence:
>    To a Senator:
>        The Honorable (full name)
>        United States Senate
>        Washington, DC 20510
>        Dear Senator (last name):
>    To a Representative:
>        The Honorable (full name)
>        United States House of Representatives
>        Washington, DC 20515
>        Dear Congressman or
>        Congresswoman (last name):
>    Senate Reauthorization
>        Labor and Human Resources Committee
>            Nancy Kassebaum KS, Chair
>            Ted Kennedy, MA, Ranking Minority
>        Subcommittee on Education, Arts, and Humanities
>            Jim Jeffords VT, chair
>            Nancy Kassebaum KS
>            Dan Coats IN
>            Judd Gregg NH
>            Bill Frist TN
>            Michael Dewine OH
>            John Ashcroft MO
>            Spencer Abraham MI
>            Slade Gorton WA
>            Claiborne Pell RI, ranking minority
>            Edward Kennedy MA
>            Christopher Dodd CT
>            Paul Simon IL
>            Tom Harkin IA
>            Barbara Mikulski MD
>            Paul Wellstone MN
>    House Reauthorization
>        Economic and Educational Opportunities Committee
>            Bill Goodling PA, Chair*
>            Thomas Petri WI
>            Marge Roukema NJ
>            Steve Gunderson WI*
>            Harris Fawell IL
>            Cass Ballenger NC
>            Bill Barrett NE
>            Randy "Duke" Cunningham CA**
>            Peter Hoekstra MI
>            Buck McKeon CA
>            Mike Castle DE*
>            Jan Meyers KS
>            Sam Johnson TX*
>            Jim Talent MO
>            Jim Greenwood PA*
>            Tim Hutchinson AR
>            Joe Knollenberg MI
>            Frank Riggs CA*
>            Lindsey Graham SC
>            Dave Weldon FL*
>            David Funderburk NC
>            Mark Souder IN*
>            David McIntosh IN*
>            Charlie Norwood GA
>            William Clay MO, Ranking Minority
>            George Miller CA*
>            Dale Kildee MI**
>            Pat Williams MT
>            Matthew Martinez CA
>            Major Owens NY
>            Tom Sawyer OH
>            Donald Payne NJ*
>            Patsy Mink HI*
>            Robert Andrews NJ
>            Jack Reed RI
>            Tim Roemer IN
>            Eliot Engel NY*
>            Xavier Becerra CA
>            Robert Scott VA*
>            Gene Green TX
>            Lynn Woolsey CA
>            Carlos Romero-Barcelo PR*
>            Mel Reynolds IL
>            * Members of Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Youth, and
>            Families which has jurisdiction over arts & humanities\376but
>            at this point it looks like reauthorization will be handled
>            by the full committee.
>            ** Subcommittee chair and ranking minority member
>    Senate Appropriations
>        Mark Hatfield OR, Chair
>        Robert Byrd WV, Ranking Minority
>        Subcommittee on the Interior
>            Slade Gorton WA, chair
>            Ted Stevens AK
>            Thad Cochran MS
>            Pete Domenici NM
>            Mark Hatfield OR
>            Conrad Burns MT
>            Robert Bennett UT
>            Connie Mack FL
>            Robert Byrd WV, ranking minority
>            Bennett Johnston LA
>            Patrick Leahy VT
>            Dale Bumpers AR
>            Ernest Hollings SC
>            Harry Reid NV
>            Patty Murray WA
>    House Appropriations
>        Bob Livingston LA, Chair
>        David Obey WI, Ranking Minority
>        Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies
>            Ralph Regula OH, Chair
>            Bob Livingston LA
>            Joseph McDade PA
>            Jim Kolbe AZ
>            Joe Skeen NM
>            Barbara Vucanovich NV
>            Charles H. Taylor NC
>            George Nethercutt WA
>            Jim Bunn OR
>            Sidney Yates IL, Ranking Minority
>            David Obey WI
>            Norman Dicks WA
>            Tom Bevill AL
>            David Skaggs CO
>    Sarah Z. Rosenberg
>    American Institute for Conservation
>      of Historic and Artistic Works
>    1717 K Street, NW, Suite 301
>    Washington, DC  20006
>    202-452-9545
>    Fax: 202-452-9328