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Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Sam Ball <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 26 Jan 1995 07:13:10 -0500
Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (188 lines)
Here is a command summary that Anthro-L provides on a periodic basis.  As
stated in the second message not all of these commands will work on all
systems, but it is a very good summary.
Sam Ball
[log in to unmask]
[140] From: Anthro-l Listowners & JWA Editors <[log in to unmask]> at
  NP--INTERNET 1/24/95 11:34PM (9034 bytes: 168 ln)
To: Multiple recipients of list ANTHRO-L
 <[log in to unmask]> at
bcc: Sam Ball at NP-WASO-DCA
Subject: Helpful Commands (regular item)
------------------------------- Message Contents -------------------------------
Text item  1: Text Item
         A List of Commonly used Listserver Commands
       (compiled by Hugh Jarvis 1994 [log in to unmask])
                                        File <anthro-l faq>
Here, for everyone's enlightenment, are a number of commands which you
may find periodically useful.  All these commands may be sent to any
listerver, although it is best to send them direct to our listserver:
  [log in to unmask]  or  [log in to unmask]
Occasionaly, due to the periodic updates that computer systems undergo,
you may find that you can no longer communicate with the listserver as
it does not recognise your userid.  In these cases, or in the case of
any other problems, or suggestions for other information which might be
added to this posting, please don't write to the whole list, just to me:
  [log in to unmask]  or  [log in to unmask]
-----------the-helpful commands----------------------------------------
Now, a reminder.  All the following commands must be sent to the
listserver, [log in to unmask], and not the list, or the
list owners!
SUB ANTHRO-L xx yy    Subscribes you to Anthro-l, xx yy being your name.
                      Should your address change, sending this command
                      after UNSUB will reset to your new address.
UNSUB ANTHRO-L        Same as SIGNOFF.  Removes you from the list.
QUERY ANTHRO-L        This will get a reply from the listserver
                      which will tell you your exact mail settings
                      for anthro-l, such as regular mail, digest, or
                      index, plus the type of ackowledgement, and
                      whether your name is concealed or not on the
                      subscription list.
SET ANTHRO-L MAIL     This restores the default setting for regular mail
 "    "      NOMAIL   This temporarily stops mail being delivered to you
 "    "      DIGest   This brings you the digest version of Anthro-l, as
                      one big mail item, containing a directory and all
                      the mail for that day
 "    "      INDex    This gets you ONLY the original sender's name and
                      address, plus the subject, length, time and date of
                      each message posted. Great time saver but requires
                      ordering the files specially from the listserver.
SET ANTHRO-L REPRO    This will get you an automatic copy (sort of an
                      offprint) of the posting when you send it to the
                      list and it is received.
 "    "      ACK      This will get you an automatic acknowledgement
                      from the list when you post a message.
 "    "   ACK NOREPRO This will get you the acknowledgement but not the
REVIEW ANTHRO-L       This brings you the subscription list.
 "      "  BY COUNTRY This brings the list ordered by subscriber
                      country of origin.
 "      "  BY NAME    This brings the list alphabetised by username.
 "      "  BY NODE    This brings the list ordered by subscriber node.
 "      "  BY USERID  This brings the list alphabetised by userid.
INDEX ANTHRO-L        This brings you a list of the archive files.
                      The listserver only saves the last few three
                      months of postings, however.  Retrieve the
                      files by sending mail with GET LOG-xxx to
                      LISTSERV@UBVM, or by using FTP.
GET ANTHRO-L LOGxxx   This tells the listserver to send you one of
                      the archive files (see INDEX ANTHRO-L below).
Note: It is indeed possible to search an archive logfile through the
listserver, and get just the pieces you want without having to get the
whole file and then search it at your end.  See the INFO DATABASE
command information just below.
INFO                  This will get you information on help files
                      available about using LISTSERV.
INFO DATABASE         This yields the file LDbase Memo, which has info on
                      searching listserv files, such as archive logfiles.
                      You might also like the file zenhause v2n2 which
                      is at [log in to unmask] or
                      This is an Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture
                      article which discusses how to extract information
                      on individual listserv lists.
AFD ADD WEDA DIRECTRY ANTHRO-L  This will tell the listserver that
                      that you want to be sent a revised version of the
                      anthropology email directory (WEDA) *every* time
                      it is updated.  If you recall, this is a resource
                      of information on anthropologists, which is now
                      stored at the University at Buffalo Wings gopher
                      server (gopher to
FUI ADD .....         This is an alternative to AFD.  The listserver
                      tells you that a file has been updated, but does
                      not send it.  You then send a GET ... command.
LIST GLOBAL           This will get you a very big file (>2800 lines)
                      including all existing, publicly available lists
                      on LISTSERV.
 "    "   /xxx        This allows you to search for a keyword string,
                      xxx, and get an output only of those lists with
                      that string in their name or description.  Eg.
                      /ANTH gets four list names, including ANTHRO-L.
ANTHRO-L SEARCH       This is the name of a file stored on this
                      listserver which will help you search listserv
                      list archives.  It is very easy to do.  Send the
                      command get anthro-l search to the listserver.
MINING LSV            This file gives ten easy steps to searching for
                      info in listserv lists.  Good advice for all.
                      Again, send the message get mining lsv to the
POSTMASTER@xxx        This is the person to send messages to should
                      you have any troubles getting or sending messages.
                      xxx can be any node.  However, if you get a message
                      like, "your command not processed as you are not
                      subscribed to Anthro-l...", it means your address
                      differs from the one the listserver read when you
                      first subscribed to Anthro-l.  In this case, send
                      me a message.
STATS ANTHRO-L        This gets a file with the publication statistics
                      for all subscribers to the list.
From: "Steve Maack" <[log in to unmask]>
Caution for QuickMail on Macintosh users:  Listservers try to read any
text, funny sayings, dates, or numbers on QuickMail forms as though those
were listserver commands. Since they are almost surely not such commands,
the listserver will not understand, may quit reading the script and send
back cryptic error messages. You can finesse around this problem by using
a form with no text on it (pictures are okay), and deleting any time or
date stamp which automatically appears on the form when it is opened. The
commands to the listserver may then be placed either in the subject box
or in the message portion of the form.
A note to those who do not have free access to the Net.  I know of two
commercial links which provide access to the Internet.  PSI in Reston,
Virginia (800-827-7482) provides 1200 to 2400 bps for $29 per month,
and 9600 bps for $39 per month (as of January 1994), with unlimited
email.  There is a one time registration fee of $19.  CompuServe is
possibly more international, and has a variety of plans available. The
"standard" plan is $10 per month (January, 1994), with 60 free outgoing
email messages per month allowed, and more for a nominal charge.
Incoming messages are free.  They are in Columbus, Ohio (800-848-8900).
From: [log in to unmask]
Date: Tue, 03 May 94 14:37:22
Delphi gives members full access to the internet, cost is 20.00 per month
for 20 hours, & 3.00 internet charge (total 23.00) vocal 1-800-877-5045