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Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
david franklin <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 9 Dec 1994 01:42:37 +0000
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Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (88 lines)
                            Celebrating 1895
             An International Conference on Film before 1920
  at the National Museum of Photography, Film & Television, Bradford UK
                             16-19 June 1995
 Proposals are invited from researchers in film and other media for
 Celebrating 1895, an international conference on early film organised
 by the National Museum of Photography, Film & Television, Bradford
 in association with the University of Derby.
 The aim of the conference is to present current research on early film
 (formal,economic and technological developments, audience and reception
 studies) and to examine the relation of cinema to other forms of popular
 entertainment in the early part of the century. It is envisaged that one
 of the strands of the conference will address archival and museological
 issues, another film and propoganda. A symposium on early European cinema
 is also planned. Lectures given by keynote speakers,together with a
 selection of papers presented at the conference, will be published as
 the proceedings of the conference.
 Proposals for papers are cordially invited.  Those wishing to give a paper
 should submit a 300-word abstract and a brief curriculum vitae no later
 than 6 January 1995
 Dr. John Fullerton,
 Celebrating 1895 Programme Committee,
 University of Derby,
 Green Lane,
 Derby DE1 1RX,
 United Kingdom.
 Fax: +44 332 622296.
 The abstract should state the title of the proposed paper and indicate
 what audio-visual aids (35mm film, 35mm slides, 16mm film, video
 - please state format) will be required.
 For information about the conference, please write to the
 Celebrating 1895 Conference Office,
 National Museum of Photography, Film & Television,
 Bradford BD1 1NQ,
 United Kingdom.
                     Celebrating 1895
            Un Congrs International sur le Cinma avant 1920
 au National Museum of Photography, Film and Television, Bradford, Royaume Uni
                        du 16zss au 19 juin 1995
                          APPEL A CONTRIBUTIONS
 Le Muse National de la Photographie, du Film et de la Tlvision de Bradford,
 associ  l'Universit de Derby, fait appel aux chercheurs en filmologie
 et autres mdias pour le CELEBRATING 1895, un congrs international sur
 les premires annes du cinma.
 Le but du congrs est de prsenter les recherches en cours sur les
 dbuts du 7me art: dveloppements techniques, narratifs, scientifiques,
 conomiques, acceuil des premires projections et rapports du cinma
 avec les autres divertissements populaires du dbut du sicle.
 Une partie du congrs pourra tre consacre aux questions musologiques et
 archivistiques, une autre  l'utilisation du film dans la propagande.
 Un symposium sur la naissance du cinma europen est galement prvu.
 Les confrences des spcialistes ainsi qu'une slection des
 interventions seront publies ultrieurement comme acte du congrs.
 Les propositions de communications sous forme d un rsum (300 mots maximum)
 accompagn d'un bref curriculum vitae doivent parvenir avant le
 6 janvier 1995  Dr.John Fullerton  l'adresse ci-dessous.
 Prire de prciser le titre de la communication et les support
 audiovisuels utiliss (film en 16 ou 35mm, diapositives en 35mm, vido
 en PAL, VHS ou NTSC).
 Nous tenons  signaler que le congrs sera donn en anglais.
 Dr. John Fullerton,
 Celebrating 1895 Programme Committee,
 University of Derby,
 Green Lane,
 Derby DE1 1RX,
 United Kingdom.
 Tlcopie: +44 332 622296.
david franklin