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Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 7 Apr 2016 20:52:10 +0000
Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
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"Wesley S. Creel" <[log in to unmask]>
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Good Afternoon Ms. Bruner,

Here below is the 2006 Pink Palace Family of Museums -- Code of Ethics.  Sorry about the formatting glitches.........

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.



Wesley S. Creel

Administrator of Programs

Pink Palace Family of Museums

3050 Central Avenue

Memphis, TN 38111


Office 901.636.2370  new telephone number

FAX 901.636.2391  new FAX number

e-mail  [log in to unmask]

Pink Palace Family of Museums

Code of Ethics

December 4, 2006


Any statements in the Pink Palace Family of Museums’ Code of Ethics covered by the City of Memphis Personnel Policy are subordinate to City of Memphis Policy.

The Mission:

The Pink Palace Family of Museums inspires visitors to learn how history, science, technology, and

nature influence the lives of people of the Mid-South region. Through the stewardship of rich

collections, thought-provoking exhibitions, and engaging programs, we encourage our diverse

communities to reflect on the past, observe the present, and shape the future. 


The Pink Palace Family of Museums is grounded in the tradition of public service. We are organized as a public trust, holding our collections and information as a benefit for those we were established to serve.  Employees and volunteers of The Pink Palace Family of Museums are committed to the mission related interests of the public it serves. The law provides the basic framework for museum operations. As a nonprofit institution, the staff and volunteers comply with applicable local, state, and federal laws and international conventions, as well as with the specific legal standards governing trust responsibilities. This Pink Palace Family of Museums Code of Ethics takes that compliance as given. But legal standards are a minimum. The employees and volunteers must act not only legally but also ethically. The Pink Palace Family of Museums Code of Ethics outlines ethical standards that frequently exceed legal minimums.

Loyalty to the mission of the Pink Palace Family of Museums and to the public we serve is the essence of our work, whether volunteer or paid. Where conflicts of interest arise - actual, potential, or perceived - the duty of loyalty must never be compromised. No individual may use his or her position in our museums for personal gain or to benefit another at the expense of the museums, its mission, its reputation, and the society it serves.

Public service is paramount for the Pink Palace Family of Museums.  We affirm the Pink Palace Family of Museum’s chartered purpose, ensure the prudent use of its resources, enhance our effectiveness, and maintain public confidence; strengthening our work and the contributions of the Pink Palace Family of Museums to society – present and future.


Pink Palace Family of Museums governance in its various forms is a public trust responsible for the institution’s service to society.  The City of Memphis and Memphis Museums Inc. through its contractual agreement protect and enhance the museums’ collections and programs and its physical, human, and financial resources.  The employees, volunteers, and the museum’s governing authority ensure that all these resources support our mission, respond to the pluralism of society, and respect the diversity of the natural and cultural common wealth.

Thus, the Pink Palace Family of Museums governing authority ensures that:

	   all those who work for or on behalf of the Pink Palace Family of Museums understand and support its mission and public trust responsibilities 

	   the staff and volunteers understand and fulfill their trusteeship and act corporately, not as individuals 

	   the collections and programs and their physical, human, and financial resources are protected, maintained, and developed in support of our mission 

	   the staff and volunteers are responsive to and represent the interests of society 

	   the staff and volunteers maintain the relationship with staff in which shared roles are recognized and separate responsibilities respected 

	   working relationships among trustees, employees, and volunteers are based on equity and mutual respect 

	   professional standards and practices inform and guide our operations 

	   policies are articulated and prudent oversight is practiced 

	   governance promotes the public good rather than individual financial gain.


The distinctive character of our museum ethics derives from the ownership, care, and use of objects, specimens, and living collections representing the world’s natural and cultural common wealth. This stewardship of collections entails the highest public trust and carries with it the presumption of rightful ownership, permanence, care, documentation, accessibility, and responsible disposal.

	Thus, the Pink Palace Family of Museums ensures that:

	   collections in our custody support our mission and public trust responsibilities 

	   collections in our custody are lawfully held, protected, secure, unencumbered, cared for, and preserved 

	   collections in our custody are accounted for and documented 

	   access to our collections and related information is permitted and regulated 

	   acquisition, disposal, and loan activities are conducted in a manner that respects the protection and preservation of natural and cultural resources and discourages illicit trade in such materials 

	   acquisition, disposal, and loan activities conform to our mission and public trust responsibilities 

	   disposal of collections through sale, trade, or research activities is solely for the advancement of our mission. Proceeds from the sale of nonliving collections are to be used consistent with the 	established standards of our discipline, but in no event shall they be used for anything other than acquisition or direct care of collections. 

Human Remains

The unique and special nature of human remains and funerary and sacred objects is recognized as the basis of all our decisions concerning such collections-related activities promote the public good rather than individual financial gain.  Competing claims of ownership that may be asserted in connection with objects in our custody should be handled openly, seriously, responsively and with respect for the dignity of all parties involved.

Personal Collecting     Personal collecting is allowed only under the following conditions.

   Employees are required to inform the Administrator of Programs of personal acquisition of objects of interest to the Museum’s no less than two weeks of their purchase;

   The Museum has the option of purchasing the object(s) at the price paid by the employee.

   This policy does not apply to objects acquired before the employee’s employment by the Museum.

   Bequests and genuine personal gifts are exempt from this requirement.


The Pink Palace Family of Museums serves society by advancing an understanding and appreciation of the natural and cultural common wealth through exhibitions, research, scholarship, publications, and educational activities. These programs further our mission and are responsive to the concerns, interests, and needs of society.

Thus, the Pink Palace Family of Museums ensures that:

	   programs support our mission and public trust responsibilities 

	programs are founded on scholarship and marked by intellectual integrity 

	   programs are accessible and encourage participation of the widest possible audience consistent with its mission and resources 

	   programs respect pluralistic values, traditions, and concerns 

	   revenue-producing activities and activities that involve relationships with external entities are compatible with the museum’s mission and support its public trust responsibilities 

	    programs promote the public good rather than individual financial gain.

Relations with Other Museums

Acquisition of artifacts and specimens     If another museum has the acceptance of a gift or the purchase of an object or collection of objects under negotiation, The Pink Palace Family of Museums knowing of such negotiations may not, ethically, make an offer, either for whole or part of the collection , until the first museum has reached a decision in the matter. Where other museums may be interested in the purchase of a collection in whole or in part, the highest ethical standards require that we cooperate through correspondence, conference, or otherwise toward the consummation of the purchase.  The museum should cooperate by exchange, sale, or otherwise so that a very rare object or specimen may be placed where it can best be studied and kept in association with related and associated objects.  The museum should not corner the market by refusing to dispose of duplicate specimens to other museums. The museum should not release significant specimens until after they have been studied and we should make those studies as promptly as possible so that an early distribution of material may be made. 

Sharing Information     The Pink Palace Family of Museums will always courteously and willingly give, in as far as the rules and regulations of its governing authority permit, any information regarding its finances, methods, and researches which may be asked of it by another museum. That museum to which the information is given shall make use of it only for its own individual needs and not for publication or to make money except by permission. A free exchange of facts between museums is highly desirable if museum are to render their best service to mankind.

Relations of the Director to the Staff 

Duty    It is the duty of the director to see that members of the Pink Palace Family of Museums staff work under as pleasant and healthful conditions as it is possible for the museum to maintain; that they be paid a suitable salary based on their training, length of service, and faithful performance of their duty; that they be accorded proper credit for work they do either in whole or in part; and that they be given every opportunity for advancement within the organization or for service in some other museum.

Fairness    Certain rules are necessary in the Pink Palace Family of Museums. The director should consider the welfare not only of the institution but also of its employees. Fair rules should be impartially and without exception.

Loyalty    A Pink Palace Family of Museums employee should be loyal to the director, the museum, and the governing authority it serves. Personal criticism may readily become disloyalty and it is better that an employee sever his connection with the museum than feel disloyal to it or the director. 

Employee Relationships

Outside Employment     The City personnel manual regulates outside employment by the staff of the Pink Palace Family of Museums to prevent conflict of interest. Employees must abide by these rules.

Civility     Among all the staff and volunteers in the Pink Palace Family of Museums there should exist a goodwill, and a friendliness in regard to each other.

Mutual Respect     With many people working together in close contact, the staff of the Pink Palace Family of Museums should have a mutual respect for each other’s personality, intelligence, feelings, and work. 

Responsibility     A Pink Palace Family of Museums employee is responsible for the work s/he is engaged to do: s/he should keep in mind that his first duty is to care for the collections in his custody. S/he should not allow her/his personal interests to interfere with her/his duties to the museum and the public.

Respect for Authority     The director is the final authority. The director may ask for suggestions and advice from members of the museum staff to help him toward a final decision and all Pink Palace Family of Museums staff members should respond to such requests respectfully and professionally.  An employee’s attitude toward the museum’s director and other museum officials by whom s/he is employed should be one of respect for authority.

Note to the reader:     The Pink Palace Family of Museums Code of Ethics is adapted from the Code of Ethics adopted by the Board of Directors of the American Association of Museums in 1925 and 1993.


-----Original Message-----

From: Museum discussion list [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Sylvia Bruner

Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 3:15 PM

To: [log in to unmask]

Subject: [MUSEUM-L] Code of ethics examples


My museum is undergoing re-accreditation and we need to improve our Code of Ethics.  Our committee would appreciate any examples of other's documents that we could review.  If you would like to reply off-line, my email is: [log in to unmask] 

With thanks,

Sylvia A. Bruner


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