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John Chadwick <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 17 Mar 1994 14:37:07 -0700
text/plain (91 lines)
>AAM has launched a major effort to ensure that the needs of museums are
>addressed as Congress writes the ground rules for the "data superhighway"
>of the near future.  We are asking for the help of Museum-L subscribers
>because you are the vanguard of museum computer networking.
>Vice President Gore has proposed changing the telecommunication laws to
>allow more competition in these emerging markets.  In exchange, he has
>asked that every school, library, hospital and clinic be directly
>connected to the highway by the year 2000 -- he did not include museums.  He
>has challenged Congress to pass telecommunications legislation by the end
>of the year, and House and Senate committees are addressing these issues
>right now.  We need your help during the next couple of weeks.
>AAM is fighting for three goals, and we hope you will work for them as well.
>(We also welcome your suggestions of additional needs we should
>investigate.)  First, we believe that museums should hook up to the
>highway on the same schedule as libraries and schools.  The current
>legislative proposals offer some grants, but do not require the connecting
>of museums, as they do libraries, schools and hospitals.
>Second, once museums are connected, industry should help them stay
>involved through a rate structure that recognizes their nonprofit mission
>and unique educational role.  The current legislation offers nonprofit
>rates only to those institutions for which connections are mandated --
>not museums.
>Third, and most difficult, AAM is pushing for support that will enable
>museums to be more than just consumers of information on the highways.
>Industry officials have promised that the data highway will have a nearly
>infinite broadcast capacity.  If that is true, there will be ample
>opportunity for museums to become producers of informational programming.
>We believe there should be some mechanism for channeling resources to
>educational nonprofits to enrich available programming.  That could come
>in the form of subsidies or a reservation of a percent of the broadcast
>capacity for public uses.  Current legislation suggests an "appropriate
>capacity" be reserved, but does not describe what that means.  As of yet,
>no programming fund has been established.
>The House and Senate committees are making some of these decisions over
>the next handful of weeks..  A letter from you to your members of Congress
>-- both House and Senate -- could make a large difference in the direction of
>this legislation.  When you do contact your representatives, we would
>appreciated copies of the letters.
>AAM is writing letters and planning Hill visits, but without grassroots
>support, our strength is severely diminished.
>Thanks.  And please, respond with any comments you might have -- either to
>me or the whole list.
>P.S.  Remember the NTIA technology grant applications are due by May 12,
>1994.  Contact Dr. Charles Rush, Acting Director of the Office of
>Telecommunications and Information Applications at phone 202-482-2048,
>e-mail [log in to unmask]
>Michael Roark
>American Association of Museums, Government and Public Affairs
>Phone 202 289-9125 in Washington, DC
One of the first of the public hearings for the NTIA and NII was here in
Albuquerque. I got the impression that not just museums, but K-12 schools
and Universities were left out of the loop. Many of the people called to
testify were not the providers of information, but the providers of the
infrastructure. My analogy on this is similar to building highways without
consulting those who will be using using the highway.
When one of the public hearings comes to your community, attend and ask to
speak. You may only be allowed 2 or 3 minutes, but if enough people make
noise, then perhaps the folks will hear us.
I am glad to see AAM getting involved, please keep us all posted.
In regards to the grant, please keep in mind that they are looking for true
cooperative projects that will have a large regional or national impact
over the long haul. This is not an easy task for any museum to go alone,
but many working together could put together a nifty planning grant then go
back a year later and ask for funding.
Best wishes to all,
John Chadwick                                    |
New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science | Insert your favorite
1801 Mountain Road NW                            | quotation here...
Albuquerque, NM 87104                            |
[log in to unmask]              |
phone: (505) 841-8837 FAX (505) 841-8866         |