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Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 6 May 2006 06:27:21 +0200
Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
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"Mario Bucolo (ABIS MultiCom)" <[log in to unmask]>
cc: International Council of Museums Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (189 lines)
Dear Friend and collegues of this list, I send to all a letter send from
Mr.Wik of ICOM (send to many other ICOM members and so not to consider on
reserved base) where he (representing of course their office) regret to
announce me that my candidature to the ICOM executive council (supported
from many of you and other colleagues) was not accepted on the base of, as
my opinion, bad interpretation of ICOM statute rules and members right.
Mr. Wik letter appear in this email just after my answer to ICOM with my
consideration. I consider very important, to open a debate on what happens,
sure that ICOM will prefer democracy.

Many thanks for your attention

Mario Bucolo

Dear Mr. Wik, I regret to inform you that decision you communicate to me is
without any sense on the base of what you write.

First of all, there is a clear email send from ICOM Italy to John Zvereff,
signed by the president Jalla, dated 14 april where he forward nominations
to me to the general secretary and where Jalla clearly stated that the
³nulla osta alla candidatura di Mario Bucolo² that in English means that
there are no objection to my candidature.

And I think that just this can solve the problem

Second point

The article 27, paragraph 2 that you cite in your justification don¹t state
Just state that the general secretary invite the national or international
committee to propose a candidate, so:
1. there is anything about ³proposal MUST to be arrive only from the
2. in fact, related to point 1 is an ³invitation² and no where in any legal
situation ³an invitation² can be mean as an obligation
3. The statute don¹t give any right to Nat or Intn committee to designate or
nominate candidate to executive council, this mean that is not a job or a
right from any committee to make nomination. If who write the statute
consider mandatory the nomination from a committee he/she had to write
something of specific as when the Statute consider as a right of the
committee the designation of the 5 big electors
4. the Statute assign to every member the right to be candidate to Executive
Council, it is very evident that this right conflict with what you say
5. on the base of above points there is no right of any committee to propose
candidature, as there is no right to can refuse or not support candidature
on the base of expression of nomination form ICOM members

So, as you can see no one can give you right, on the normal way of think and
on the legal base. You never see the word MUST near a nomination for the EC.
It is evident that ICOM invite different committee to nominate members
because committee are the territorial referent of ICOM, so they can collect
nomination to forward to general secretariat. But ICOM can also collect
nomination from members who want to express the intention to candidate a

Every other interpretation, conflict with a democratic intention to have as
many candidate as possible and, mainly, conflict with a very CLEAR statement
from the STATUTE of assign the right to any member to be candidate...if this
right will be opinionated by the mind of single committee presidents, it
will be not more a democratic right but a Masonic claim from any president
that can decide who can nominate and who can catch out, many times for
personal interest.

So, as you can re-consider, there is no chance to ³kill² me and make happy
other persons...

I think this will clarify the situation and I¹m very shocked that this email
arrive after more than 3 weeks from the deadline and near to two months from
my first email sent to Mr. Gunter Dembski, after a period to
not-understandable silence.

Of course I have my life and my work and I do for museums many effort and I
continue to do in any case, inside or outside ICOM (yes...outside because if
I can¹t be candidate for EC I don¹t want to stay in anti democratic
organization that enhance the claim of ³power² of few persons in opposite of
members that can be really resource for ICOM).

So if any of you don¹t want me in ICOM, please tell this in a clear way,
with courage, be MAN or WOMAN, with the courage of own decision and opinion.

I live in the region where Mafia born and I can¹t, for any reason, stay at
the window when there are not clear behavior and when few people, in a group
of power, want to cancel right of other person. Please remember that is the
second time that I was victim of antidemocratic behavior and interpretation
of ICOM rules, at that time I overtaken the problem in the respect of the
new president that was elected from few weeks, to don¹t create problem. It
is no possible to ask me for the second time to accomplish the violence make
to me from members that are the only objective to see ICOM as a power

I hope all will be clear, and all will go on the direction that the ICOM
Statute give rights to members and that I can continue to work for the
benefit of museums and of the whole museums professional community.

I trust in ICOM, I trust in democracy!

Many thanks for your attention and cooperation.

Mario Bucolo

PS: I give all the possible diffusion to this letter, hoping that at the end
the democracy will triumph to demonstrate the real value of ICOM and as ICOM
is an organization based ONLY on democracy and not on few person power.

On 5-05-2006 18:10, "Knut Wik" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Trondheim,
> May 5, 2006
> Mr.Bucolo,
> ABIS MultiCom S.r.l. - Multimedia & Communication
> Via Milano n.61 
> 95127 Catania 
> Italy
> Email: [log in to unmask]
> Dear Mr.Bucolo,
> As Chair of the Nominations Committee, I would like to inform you that we have
> received the documents sent to ICOM Paris for your candidacy for election to
> the Executive Council for the Triennium 2007-2010, to take place in Vienna in
> August, 2007.
> After a thorough examination of all the supporting documents submitted to us,
> and after consultation with the Chair of the Legal Affairs and Properties
> Committee, I regret to have to inform you that we can not include your
> nomination in the list that we will submit for consideration by the Advisory
> Council in May/June.
> The reason for the above decision is that  your nomination is not supported by
> ICOM Italy. As you well know, Article 27, paragraph 2 of the ICOM Statutes
> states that nominations can be made by or in the name of Presidents of the
> national committees, international committees or affiliated organizations.
> The paragraph states literally:
> "... le Secretaire-general écrit aux Présidents de tous les Comites nationaux,
> internationaux et Organisations affiliées pour les inviter a proposer des
> candidats..." (I am quoting from the French version of the statutes since ICOM
> is governed by the laws and related administrative procedures of France as a
> 1901 Association).
> I regret the disappointment that this response might cause, and thank you for
> your willingness to serve on ICOM¹s Executive Council.
> With best regards,
> Knut Wik
> Chair of the Nominations Committee of ICOM
>  P.S. This text is being sent ot you by certified mail

Mario Bucolo, ABIS MultiCom & Museumland CEO
Skype user: mariobucolo

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