I wonder why you're having so much difficulty finding these resources.
You can order the following directly from the Illinois Heritage
Association. Their web site is: http://illinoisheritage.prairienet.org/
O'Rourke, E. "Collections Storage Reorganization." Illinois Heritage
Association Technical Insert (July-Aug. 1995)
Gill, K.R. and M.T.Sarna. "Moving Large Objects." Illinois Heritage
Association Technical Insert (Mar-Apr. 1995)
This publication (Registrars on Record) should be available in the AAM
bookstore www.aam-us.org
Geyer, G.H. "Moving Imagery: Collections Management during a Museum
Move" in Registrars on Record (AAM, 1988).
As should this: Gurian, E., ed. Institutional Trauma: Major Change in
Museums and its Effect on Staff. (AAM, 1995)
for back issues of journals published by professional associations, why
don't you contact them directly?
Mountain Plains Museum Association's address is:
You might contact Larry Francell, the author, directly. He's the director
of the Museum of the Big Bend in Alpine Texas. (Francell, L. "Planning
for the Move of a Museum Collection" Mountain-Plains Museum Association
Technical Leaflet series, No. 4. Pt. 1&2 (1996).)
Australia registrars: http://amol.org.au/arc/
I imagine this'll get you started.
Diane Gutenkauf
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On Mon, 19 Jun 2006 10:33:17 -0400, Christina Phillips
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Does anyone have access to the ARTICLES listed below? I'm having
>difficulty finding them on-line. Or if you have updated info to share
>regarding collection moves, please forward this as well.
>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>Thank you for your time
>Christina NYSM
>>Jane Holland, Conservation Adviser,
>>Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation,
>>77, Bloor Street West,
>>2nd Floor,
>>Toronto, Ontario.
>>M7A 2R9.
>>Books and articles:
>>Breninger, L. and N. Quick. "Towards 2000: the M.O.V. [Museum of
>>Victoria] on the Move." in A.R.C. [Australian Registrar's Committee
>>newsletter], no. 15 (September, 1995).
>>Filmer, V. "Geelong Art Gallery: on the Move" in A.R.C. [Australian
>>Registrar's Committee newsletter], no. 13 (March, 1995).
>>Hanson, G. "Some Aspects of Moving an Anthropological Collection." ICOM
>>Preprints, vol 2 (Edinburgh, 1996).
>>Jessup, W. "Packing without Crates" in The Museologist, vol. 45, no.
>>166 (Winter, 83/84).
>>Kruckeberg, V. "Moving Museum Collections: How to Avoid Some of Those
>>Maalox Moments" in Textile Conservation Newsletter (Fall, 1993).
>>Mecklenburg, M., ed. Art in Transit: Studies in the Transport of
>>Paintings. (National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1991)
>>Spurgeon, G. "Planning, Preparing, and Executing the National Gallery of
>>Canada Move." unpub. (1989)
>>Thorp, V. and C. Wilson. "Moving the Collections at the Royal British
>>Columbia Museum" in Preventive Conservation: Practice, Theory, &
>>Research (IIC, 1994).
>>van der Burg, J. "The Deltaplan, The Way it Worked" ICOM (Edinburgh,
>>1996) presentation. published at
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