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Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
John Suau <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 28 Jan 2002 11:04:24 -0500
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Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (262 lines)
"Jesus Christ!"

Might have been better received by a larger audience without this phrase,

John T. Suau, Manager
Meetings, Professional Education and Diversity
American Association of Museums
1575 Eye Street, NW - Suite 400
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 218-7676 (t)
(202) 289-6578 (f)
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Indigo Nights [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 1:54 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Amish Transportation Waste
> Consider the wisdom of Eleanor Roosevelt:
> Great minds discuss ideas;
> Average minds discuss events;
> Small minds discuss people.
> No one can make you feel inferior without your
> consent.
> To that, factor in the words of Albert Einstein:
> "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not
> everything that counts can be counted. "
> "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human
> stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
> I cannot believe the overabundance of Amish
> Transportation Waste that seems to be flowing past my
> screen with my name affixed to it!
> I have repeatedly stated that, while Indigo Nights is
> but a nom de plume, do you doubt the existence of Mark
> Twain or would you have only found value in what he
> published had he relied upon the name Samuel Clemens?
> I am, inspite of the absolute crudity and rudity of
> some of you, a person.  I am a person who has feelings
> that some of you might reconsider revisiting once in a
> while and decide if you would be so free with your
> rather judgmental opinions if it were YOUR name
> bandying the list or would you prefer that some
> civility would be maintained and people contacted you
> privately as you repeatedly requested?  In your quest
> to become such a world reknown, pedigreed
> professional, did you lose your manners in the
> process?
> For those of you who had to walk 35 miles in the snow,
> draw your water from the crick, and your parents took
> you to museums on the backs of dinosaurs, have you
> REALLY forgotten what it's like to be a young person
> looking for a job?  If you're so God awful smart, I
> certainly hope you deign to give us the wisdom of your
> knowledge by grabbing one, or maybe a half dozen, of
> those desiring to be mentored.
> While you grew up in a time when the family was more
> intact--save for divorce--and Mother Cleaver was there
> with her pearls on and fresh baked cookies, these are
> kids who grew up in the latchkey era and often had
> parents like you and me--and dammit, I'm 49 and save
> for the months mid-October to present, I have worked
> 31 years of my life (so don't tell me how hard it is
> to hold a job and do the right thing)--who were out
> working just to be able to provide them things instead
> of experiences and caring oversight.  They had to make
> an appointment with Grandma just to see her.
> So what if you did it the hard way!  These kids are
> not whining.  They are asking, asking for help and for
> the same kinds of things YOU want:  Information.  And
> they are using the same damned tool--and probably one
> hell of a lot better (and you would be probably quite
> wise to ask them for mentoring advice in that regard
> if your ego will allow you to ask someone you presume
> to be beneath you for help) that you are.
> For those of you who think a FAQ is a fabulous
> idea--and I'm not arguing that it isn't, it's a great
> idea--you might remember that, a few months ago I
> offered to create one and asked for the list's help.
> Do you know what I got in return?  The questions, but
> not the answers.
> You want to say what you think the FAQ should contain,
> but how many of you are willing to do completed staff
> work?  Excuse me while I finish my self-indulgent
> rant. Jesus Christ!  If I did that kind of work in
> life, I'd never have survived much less made the kind
> of salary I have.
> Maybe in some of your more enlightened studies, you
> missed a class on time management.  Time management's
> most basic precept is you handle each piece of mail
> ONE time and dismiss it.  It was what I was fighting
> for in those email messages some of you considered
> spam.  Do not expect me to create some abstract for
> you, and please understand that I've already explained
> the rules of copyright, or at least their importance,
> so be a love and dig it out yourself in the archives.
> MOST of the list is phenomenal.  Some of the best and
> the brightest to be found.  Truly a lot of caring
> people.
> But there are others of you that are so narcistic I
> truly wonder if you can find a mirror large enough to
> accommodate your ego.
> This is an all-purpose list as Patrick pointed out.
> Yet some of you time and again want to limit it only
> to things that interest YOU.  The problem is as the
> rather insidious gentleman pointed out--instead of
> contributing true insights about what is ongoing with
> security and why in the hell are we still having such
> theft in such an enlightened world and how can we
> protect our museums from experiencing such
> things--There are 2500 members.  How do you craft a
> list that meets the personal needs of 2500.  Ever
> share a bedroom with a sibling? Now imagine sharing it
> with more than 2.5K.
> For those of you who have stomped on the young people
> enough that some are considering leaving, may I remind
> you of (what I remember as) a Nigerian Proverb:
> We did not inherit this world.  We are borrowing it
> from our children.
> Please give them the respect they deserve!
> For my dear friend, Roger.  I'm afraid that here in
> the states, we're not always as enlightened as we
> should be.  My sisters and I now make 70 cents on the
> dollar for the exact same job--and sometimes
> more--than our brothers make, and those are the lucky
> ones not born People of Color, People of Disability,
> and People Who Are Different.
> I'm afraid the stigma, regrettably, still exists in
> many segments of the population, and a strong,
> self-confident, opinionated female is often not held
> in equal regard.  See definition of a bitch.  I
> certainly hope what you reflected is the experience in
> New Zealand and that we here soon learn to emulate.
> To the young people on list:
> Don't you dare leave!  If you need to create a second
> forum that discusses some of your specific concerns,
> fine, but don't leave me behind (and don't get too
> excited, dinosaur riders, I'm staying here, too).
> I'll be more than happy to continue to send you the
> information on jobs and the like, but I will not start
> or run one.
> Remember the wisdom of Les Brown:
> Shoot for the moon.
> Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
> So, for goodness sake and for all things good, ask on.
> Do your homework and make your requests reasoned and
> complete, but do not be intimidated by someone else's
> bad manners.
> To my supporterss, not to worry.  I am fine.  I am
> well. I am still lurking.
> I adhere strongly to the wisdom of Eleanor.  No one
> has my permission to crawl in my head and make me feel
> badly about myself, though there certainly has been an
> overabundance of people who have tried this weekend.
> For a moment, I was beginning to think my brain was
> the tunnel between France and England, and some of you
> were illegal immigrants seeking asylum in my mind.  No
> jobs and no visas for you in my brain!
> If you want to support me, look at the post I did this
> morning.  I've given you the sources, though I think I
> left the Chicago Tribune off the newspaper section.
> Pick up some part of that and YOU post it.  It was
> never the quality of my posts to which the naysayers
> took objection.  It was the quantity of times my name
> went across my screen as though I did it for personal
> glory (excuse me while I find the emesis basin).
> Somehow I am reminded of Judy Collins:  Isn't it rich?
> This morning, I mistook my Johns.  Suau in my mind
> became Chadwick.  But, nonetheless, I will go back to
> lurking, posting no more than the mentoring posts (one
> at a time so that each person has his/her opportunity)
> and maybe a synopsis of the days digest after I have
> addressed these points.  I have to. I've been holding
> back too many phrases that strangely have a phonetic
> similarity to brother truckers--and neither of my
> brothers is in the trucking industry.
> In keeping with your request to consolidate messages,
> I've done this in one note.
> For those of you who are as upset as am I that rancor
> has made a home on the list, I leave you with the
> words of the immortal Tupac Shakur:  "Keep Ya Head
> Up."  They can't turn this into a "Gangsta's Party" if
> we won't let them.
> Now I'm going to go shut the truck up.
> =====
> Indigo Nights
> [log in to unmask]
> Looking for a job?  Try:
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