1.  Please, please check to see that private mail is going only to the
individual, not all of us on the list.  If you don't know how, ask
someone who does.  Misdirected mail *can* be vastly entertaining, but
mostly it just adds to the monitoring load.
2.  Please sign your postings with a name and some indication of your
institution beyond your (often mystifying) e-mail code.  If I'm going to
try to answer a question, I need it for context.
Thanks.  My apologies to the majority of us who follow this
etiquette and have heard it (or said it) previously.
Karen Motylewski                                508-470-1010
Northeast Document Conservation Center          508-475-6021 fax
100 Brickstone Square                           <[log in to unmask]>
Andover, MA 01810                               Use KM in subject field