You must have glass lantern slides, common around the turn of the
century up to maybe the 20s.  (I dont' have my books at home.)
They were common for the "potted palm circuit" - Sunday afternoons
in hotel drawing rooms, very popular with travel topics.  A
classic Gold Rush topic was called "Over the Devils Blanket" about
the trail over the Valdez Glacier to the gold fields.  We have had
very good luck sending them to our local commercial phto lab
and asking for "slides from art".  They light them and shoot them,
the same they do with slides from photographs.  We have also had
copy negatives made and printed.  No one at our lab is very
magical, so I'd bet you can find someone in your town.  In Alaska
it costs $5 each to shoot either a slide or a copy negative.
     Diane Brenner, Anchorage Museum, [log in to unmask]