I think it is important in all of this discussion about the provision of
services via the Internet that it is not a monolithic entity, but a
rather anarchistic conglomeration and that service-providers such as
America Online, CompuServe, and Delphi are very much THE INTERNET. The
problem is very much as George Orwell described things...some are more
equal than others.
While our fellow surfers who use these direct play-for-pay services
cannot use Mosaic or see much of the World Wide Web, I cannot check air
fares or have discussions in real time with vendor reps the way that they
can. It is simply a matter of different choices being available...and it
also means that we need to show wisdom in how we use the supposedly
*free* portion of the Internet that most of us in the academic realm
End of sermon...
Dennis Moser                           (313)271-1620 x 657
Project Photo Archivist         Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village
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"Blessed are the Flexible...for they shall not be bent out of shape..."