While I appreciate Tony's consideration and sensitivity to the issue,
I'm sorry to see that the recent discussion on spamming resulted in such
an abbreviated notice about the 1995 MDA conference! I subscribe to this
list, in large measure, to get information --not meta-information-- about
what's going on in/about museum world. I don't want to have to personally
chase information such as a more full description of the MDA conference when
a list like MUSEUM-L can deliver it. I hope his message does not portend the
future style of MUSEUM-L meeting announcements.
Flame, if you wish.
Peter Rauch
- - - - - - - -
> Date:         Fri, 16 Sep 1994 15:15:44 GMT
> From:         Tony Gill <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject:      MDA Conference 1995
> To:           Multiple recipients of list MUSEUM-L
> _______________________________________________
> The Seventh International Conference of the MDA
> Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 6 - 10 November 1995
> _______________________________________________
> Conscious of the "spamming" criticisms in recent messages,
> further information can be requested from:
>         MDA   etc.