Hot off the press in time for the MCN meetings:
    Ezell, Lin, Natalie Rjedkin Lee, and Kathy Murphy.  1994.
    A classification system for air and space museum collections.
    _Collections Care_, Report Number 4: 11 pp.
_Collections Care_ is a monograph series from the National Air and
Space Museum.
Requests for copies, comments or questions can be sent to:
   National Air and Space Museum
   Office of Publications
   6th Street and Independence Ave., S.W.
   Washington, DC  20560
Email addresses of the authors:
Lin Ezell:           [log in to unmask]
Natalie Rjedkin Lee: [log in to unmask]
Kathy Murphy:        [log in to unmask]
       |  Barbara Weitbrecht          |  [log in to unmask]  |
       |  National Air & Space Museum |  [log in to unmask]       |
       |  Smithsonian Institution     |  (202) 357-4162        |