Something else I apparently saved with the idea of forwarding it to museum-l!
This probably fits in with the discussion of roadside attractions and ghoulish
museums awhile back.  Does anyone know if the museum described below is real
or just a money-making scheme for some brochure printer?  I'd buy t-shirts!
  --Carolyn Brady
  [log in to unmask]   |  "Real solemn history, I cannot be
 MA program in Public History |   interested in....The quarrels of popes
   Indiana University-        |   and kings, with wars or pestilences
    Purdue University at      ü   in every page; the men all so good for
     Indianapolis             |   nothing, and hardly any women at all."
   BACK IN TOWN!!!   8-)      ü                       --JANE AUSTEN
_____________________________ ü_________________________________________
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
EVER been abducted by Aliens, seen a UFO? Be exhibited in the UFO Museum.
Send documentation of your encounters (tapes, drawings, stories).
and when in Portland, Oregon...
Visit the UFO MUSEUM:
1637 SW Alder
Portland, Oregon, 97205
USA, Earth
Sol, Milkyway
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BEHOLD: UFOs, Aliens, strange devices, stranger art, Fez caps!
EXPERIENCE: The Elvis abduction chamber
REGRESS: to an alternate "Reality" in the Orange Freud Room
WITNESS: Tonya's Lie, preserved for history
FOR MORE INFORMATION, please send $1 and self
addressed & stamped envelope (SASE) to the above address.
Mention the secret work "Zubiwonjenubi" and receive a surpise gift!
For information on T-shirts and other merchandise see posting with
same subject in
Please do not send queries to this account. (posted for a friend)