This request is being posted on a couple of lists, so please forgive any
    We, at Please Touch Museum, are begining to revamp our exhibit development
process. We have a long way to go, rifts to heal, agendas (like planets and
chakras) to align, you know, general house cleaning.
    For those of you out there that have had the wisdom to record the thread of
your process, and would be willing to share, this plea is addressed.  I am not
concerned that it be complete (from formative through summative) nor am I
concerned that it exactly reflect what really happens (I know all too well what
can happen between theory and practice). I would be happy with whatever you
felt OK about sending to us. I'd be happy to share the results with whoever
asks at the conclusion of the process; sometime in the late Fall.
Thanks so much for your help.
Aaron Goldblatt
Please Touch Museum
210 N. 21st St.
Philadelphia, PA  19103
(215)963-0667 v
(215)963-0424 f
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