OK.  I give up.
The Chateau of Chillon at the east end of Lake Geneva is the site of the
dungeon where the Genevoise civic patriot Bonivard (among others) was
imprisoned by the Dukes of Savoy.  The original building on the site
dates to ca. 900 and the dungeon somewhat later.
The column to which Bonivard was chained has a "path" worn into the stone
where he walked around the column.  (Apparently, later caretakers of the
CHateau used to "refresh" Bonivard's rut by walking around the column
themselves).  Lord Byron wrote the poem "the Prisoner
of Chillon" about Bonivard (taking considerable license) & moreover, he
carved his name into an adjacent column (it is now part of the
exhibit) (Byron visited in 1817) -- the Chateau is now run by the Canton of
Vaud and is a regular stop of the tour boats on Lake Geneva.
Tom Moritz
(from Gland, Switzerland)