This is to the person who was looking for citations of articles that
explored the relationship between theme parks and museums--
I came across an article that made some comparisons between Greenfield
Village in Dearborn, Michigan and Disneyland which may be of interest to you:
August T. Horvath and Lin Bin. "From Reality to Hyperreality: Simulation and
Images at Greenfield Village," COMMUNICATION RESEARCH 18:1 (Feb 1991): 103-
The authors have a decidedly Marxist outlook.
The article also included a short bibliography that referred to several
other related works, including
J. Baudrillard. Simulations (New York:Semiotext, 1983)
D. J. Boorstin. The Image: A Guide to Pseudo Events in America (New York:
Atheneum, 1961).
M. Wallace. "Visiting the Past: History Museums in the United States,"
 Stacy Roth
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