Late last week a small pile of garbage was received by the list from me
under the subject Re: Science.  I this particular case, I did not mean to
send garbage.  In actual fact, I didn't; the cyber gods did.
I was happily reading a post from the list when my sweet wife picked up
the phone (to which my computer is connected) and started to dial.
Usually when this happens, I get bounced off.  On this occasion, however,
my screen runneth over with random characters--one sequence of which
apparently was a command to send a message and a confirmation.
Ultimately, I had to logoff to make it all stop.
Anyway, I apologize for wasting everybody's time (twice now), but I
thought some of you might be interested in the fact that you can send a
message even if your keyboard is in the other room.
David Haynes, 1810 W. Mulberry, San Antonio, Texas 78201
Voice: 210/732-3507; FAX: don't have one; Internet: [log in to unmask]
Formerly: Director of Production, Institute of Texan Cultures