> Can anyone provide me an e-mail address for the British Museum of Natural
> History (hoping one exists).
> Specifically:
>         1) Curator of Meteroites
>         2) Publications (copyright permission)
> Terry Vidal
> UNI Museum
I am not aware of a general office address, however, individual members of
staff do have e-mail.
first initial.last [log in to unmask]
you can look someone up and mail them, or try s.chapman (collections
manager fossil vertebrates (reptiles)) for advice.
Dr Glenn W. Storrs
Department of Geology
Bristol University, Queens Road, Bristol BS8 1RJ
Telephone:      +44 (272) 303030 x4789
Fax:            +44 (272) 253385
INTERNET:       [log in to unmask]