In Message Tues, 03 May 94 04:10:37,
  "Museum discussion list" <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>I am a post-graduate museum studies student at New York University and would
>like to do an unpaid internship this summer- July and August- in Amsterdam,
>The Netherlands.  Does anyone have a contact? I sent out resumes to all the maj
>   r museums in Amsterdam and have had no luck in securing an internship.  I wo
>   ld appreciate help.
>Patricia Altomare- New York University
Dear Patricia Altomare,
Many of my students do internships in museums as part of their Arts
Marketing/Management course. Generally we haven't got enough students to
fulfill all requests from arts organisations. So, if I could be of any
assistance, please email me directly with more details on what exactly
you're looking for.
best wishes,
Jaap Boter
Utrecht University
dept. Arts Management & Administration
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