I think some goo dpoints have been raised in the last few days, and I have to
agree that I was collapsing the terms "science" and "technology" more than I
should. But, I received a fascinating post from GEODESIC-L that is certainly
food for thought.
Science, or religion? This was posted as "Bucky's Prayer" and written by
Buckminster Fuller, scientist and thinker.
Those in a hurry, a word of caution. Its a wee bit long. Enjoy.
Craig Rosa
>Per request from Kevin Sahr, the following is a transcription from a 1976
>"Being With Bucky", New Dimensions Tapes, side 15 (parsing and punctuation
>by transcriptionist).
>Our God, who art in we even,
>even we who know most intimately
>of our own weaknesses, failures, faults, and outright sins
>our selfishness, fear and cupidity,
>of our moments of jealousy, rage and hate
>secret cover-ups, lies and self-deceits
>God even of we
>     Our God -- our intuitively-apprehended comprehensive-admonisher
>Omni-experienced is your identity,
>the everywhere and everywhen evolving omnireality
>is your presence
>and as the reality differs _uniquely_ from moment to moment
>in respect to each individual
>so do you speak to each
>in exquisitely relevant, instructive terms
>regarding that which the individual
>can most effectively do
>not in behalf of self
>but in behalf of all humanity
>and Thus in support of the intellectual functioning of humans
>thereby in local universe support
>of the eternal integrity of omniregenerative universe
>which is God.
>As omniexperience, you have given us
>overwhelming manifest
>of your complete knowledge
>your complete comprehension
>your complete concern
>your complete wisdom
>your complete responsibility
>your complete co-ordination
>your complete competence to cope
>with any and all problems
>and of your utter reliability
>always so to do
>Yours, dear God, is all the glory.
>        *  *  *
>We oft-times think of ourselves
>as independent individuals
>able to get on by ourselves
>by our own wits
>forgetting altogether
>that we did not invent those wits
>nor the incredibly complex, 99.9% automated
>biological organisms
>nor the rest of the universe
>with which they interfunction,
>all of which is entirely
>the prior competent conceptioning
>only of God.
>Yes dear God, yours _is_ all the Glory.
>You are the totally mysterious
>eternal integrity, both comprehensively
>and incisively governing
>the omni-intercomplementation and omni-interaccomodation
>of all physical and metaphysical experiences
>of ever and everywhere
>separately and complexedly intertransforming
>omni-regenerative universe.
>You are the synergetic integral of all truths.
>We have absolute trust and faith in you
>and we wish of you
>awe-inspiredly, thankfully, rejoicingly and lovingly --
>for it's spontaneously feasable
>for humans to be wishful of the truth
>in awe of the truth
>thankful for the truth
>to rejoice in the truth
>and to love the truth
>and to love all the truths combined
>for all truths are omni-interaccomodative
>as are all the
>only mathematically-statable generalized principles
>discovered by human minds,
>experimentally verified by science
>to be externally governing
>complex interrelationships of physical universe.
>        *   *   *
>Truths and principles never contradict one another.
>They are all concurrently omni-interaccomodative
>and all the truths are metaphysical cognitions
>by humans
>of special-case realizations
>of eternally-valid generalized principles.
>It is only through many repeated experiences and recognitions
>of the eternal principles
>their non-contradicting interaccomodations
>that each individual human
>progressively and only intuitively discovers the existence of
>eternal principles and their special-case manifests
>and the truths of everyday events
>and all the truths, as our lives discover them,
>trend to integrate in synergetic perfection
>beyond the special-case experiencing
>of inherently terminal
>ergo inherently limited
>human conceptioning, comprehension and communication...
Craig M. Rosa                                        Home Phone: (718) 834-6894
Email: [log in to unmask]                       BCM Phone: (718) 735-4432
M.A. student, Performance Studies/Museum Studies, NYU                 ,^^^^^^^^
PT Greenhouse Instructor, The Brooklyn Children's Museum     ,^^^^^^^^