In Message Tue, 19 Apr 1994 12:19:19 GMT, Robert Bud <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>In principle Multimedia should provide a marvelous output for research
>in museums, enabling the integration of detailed studies and lists
>of objects, records of their use and narrative of their contextual
>Does anyone know of a discussion list or other source in which the
>potentials and pitfalls are being/have been discussed?
>Any leads would be most welcomed.
>Robert Bud
>The Science Museum, London
Hi Robert,
I'm not sure if this is of your help but you can try to get into the
E-mail address is: LISTSERV@YORKVM1
(Add nothing to "subject")
At the text you put: subscribe artcrit Robert Bud
Good Luck.
Greetings from Anne