To Curators and Conservators of Archaeological Textiles:
Through a continuing survey of museum, gallery and private textile
collections I have found that fragments from a single cloth may be housed in
many different parts of the, world. Using  photographs and precise
measurements, some of these textiles can be re-assembled graphically.  With
details of the iconography in place, and with some or all of the selvages
re-united, it is often possible to determine the size, shape and intended
function of the fabric, to identify a cultural affiliation based on style,
and to better appreciate and understand the iconography. For an example, see
"A Recuay Style Painted Textile",The Textile Museum Journal, 1993, pp 71-80.
I have assembled a small photo archive (approx.400 frags) of painted textiles
from museum and private collections in the USA, Germany and Peru.  I prefer
to work with textiles I have photographed myself, so I can obtain accurate
measurements and precise physical descriptions of the cloth.  I am, however,
eager to receive *any* information or leads to new sources at any time,
especially if snapshots, Xerox copies or sketches can eventually be obtained.
 No fragment or collection is too small (or too large) to consider!
If you know of Peruvian painted textile fragments or collections which have
been, or can be, photographed, or if you wish to know more about this study,
please reply to Nancy K. Porter at the address below, before April 20 1994.
This request will be repeated in mid May.
Thanks for your help.
Nancy K. Porter               e-mail [log in to unmask]
501 Seventh Street            Voice 310-318-9038
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266     Fax   310-798-2863
Institute of Andean Studies, Berkeley  &
Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History