Essentially, most people are agreeing on this subject. The initial messege that
started this line of dialouge asked whether the people on this list who were
concerned with collections ought to start a new list.  It appears that
collection's folk unanimously don't think such a step is necessary.  This line
of thought grew into a number of other questions, ignoring another concern of
the original messege.  The care and management of consumable collections.  The
reason this was ignored is perhaps because most museums don't consider
consumable collections require much care or management.
A comment was made that collections are primarily for exhibition (aren't they?)
Well, an integrated museum, no matter its size, serves the community via
preservation for exhibition... and education... and research and, let's not
forget - Posterity.  Thus our audience is not only in the present, but we must
the future.  This is the obligation of the museum. This is often difficult becau
se our money comes from the here and