>From Kathy Murphy <[log in to unmask]>
>Recently I saw a Yamaha player piano which could strike the key(s)
>with over 100 various pressures (not like the music box sound of an old player
>piano).  A "real" person played a piece and the piano "reproduced" that
Not even a tuppence worth of addition to this thread: merely to note your
message reminded me of an LP recording I have of piano music that had
*originally* been recorded on player piano rolls by the composers
themselves before (if I recall correctly) Edison invented *his* recording
device.  Not, I suspect, as true to the original as this fancy schmancy
Yamaha, but historically more impressive and certainly more interesting, at
least to me.  Besides, I *like* player pianos -- and am exceedingly fond of
the glass harmonica, to make things worse -- so my opinion in this regard
is highly suspect, of course <grin>.
>(Of course, I'll need to win the lottery to get one of these.)
>Happy New Year!
Good luck to you.  (Nice to know museum people earn enough to afford
lottery tickets, at least.)
Mario Rups
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