(The following is a news release from the Research Libraries Group.
It is being cross-posted to other library-related listservs.)
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., January 3, 1994 -- The Research Libraries
Group (RLG) has added Anthropological Literature -- a file of over
87,000 citations compiled by Harvard's Tozzer Library -- to its
CitaDel citation and document delivery service.  The file is the most
comprehensive index to research in anthropology available today.
File citations refer to articles from over 800 scholarly journals and
200 monographic series on anthropology and related fields from the
Tozzer Library collection.  Coverage, dating mainly from 1984 to the
present, includes research articles and reports, commentaries, review
essays, and obituaries.  Subjects include archaeology, cultural and
social anthropology, biological and physical anthropology,
linguistics, sociology, history, economics, art history, religious
studies, music, and area studies.  Materials are in a variety of
languages.  Online records contain English translations of the title
if supplied by the journal or edited work.
Anthropological Literature will be updated quarterly with
approximately 2,000 new citations.  In addition, Tozzer Library is
working on the retrospective conversion of approximately 200,000
article entries in its card catalog that date from the late 1880s
through 1983.  These entries will be added to the file over the coming
Copies of all materials referenced in Anthropological Literature are
available by interlibrary loan directly through Tozzer Library.
Access to Anthropological Literature is available by annual
subscription.  Institutions with subscriptions to Eureka/RLIN or to
another CitaDel file are eligible to receive discounts on
Anthropological Literature subscriptions.
For more information contact an RLG sales associate at
800-537-7546 or send e-mail to [log in to unmask] or
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