There are two interesting articles in the recent New York Foundation
for the Arts publication "FYI" (Winter 1994, Vol. 9, No. 4):
"Arts: Roadkill on the Info Superhighway?" by Gary O. Larson
"Proto-Hypermedia or You're Already There" by David Blair
In the second, Blair, an electronic cinema-maker (?), argues that
we should be concentrating on "paying practical attention to text"
rather than the, admittedly, wonderful possibilities of multi-
media. In other words: digital imaging ain't going nowhere if
more people don't get on-line and use the Internet for everyday
text transfers.
The first article is, of course, another chorus of why the arts
aren't considered a national priority. I'm sure you all know
the tune, shall we have a group sing?
The New York Foundation for the Arts can be found at:
155 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10013-1507
tel: 212 366-6900
fax: 212 366-1778
Robbin Murphy
(on the side of the angels)
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