Just a note with respect to "informal education"...
It's worth noting that libraries (though not always *museum libraries*)
have been involved with informal education for many decades.  Here
at the California Academy of Sciences, the Academy Library is actively
engaged as a partner in the Academy's educational mission.  We conduct
our own educational programs, teach in the Adult Education program
and cooperate with other CAS educational activities.
Libraries are ideally suited for informal educational efforts.  We
provide open, supportive and non-pedadgogical environments for learning.
We seek to equip our users with tools for serving their own information needs
and allow them to set their own courses.
Unfortunately, far too few museums have realized the complementarity
between libraries and their informal educational missions.  Get an
MLS at an ALA accredited library school and focus on "informal education".
Tom Moritz
CAS Library
San Francisco