In article <[log in to unmask]>, on
Thu, 26 Apr 2001 at 15:46:52, Cary Karp <URL: mailto:[log in to unmask]> writes
>I agree fully with Patrick:
>> Providing Committees get into the habit of using the
>> rather than that of their current
>> and perhaps temporary host web server there's no problem is
>> changing from one location to another without this being
>> apparent to users including Committee members other than those
>> actually maintaining the Committee's site."
>The ability to provide the nomenclatural basis for this is more
>complex than may be realized and is not a trivial contribution to
>establishing a strong organizational identity on the Internet for
>ICOM, without in any way reducing the autonomy of the Committees.
A potential confusion has recently arisen because in the list of
publications <> the list of
publications of each Committee is given the Web address
<>. It would be better to insert
the word "publications" somewhere in these URLs, as the distinction
between the trailing "/" and the ".htm" suffix may be overlooked.

On the question of central hosting of committee pages, I can say that I
have used a similar facility for some years, without problems, for the
CIDOC pages, which enjoy the hospitality of the Swedish Museum of
Natural History. I welcome the fact that central hosting is now
generally available to all committees and shall certainly consider
moving the CIDOC pages and the UK National Committee pages to the
central server (the latter are at present in my personal Web space). I
hope, though, that whatever security measures are put in place will not
include the requirement that access for editing and updating is
restricted to a fixed IP address. The Internet Service Providers that I
normally use allocate addresses dynamically on connection, so I have to
use an alternative service, to which I may not have access in future, to
update the CIDOC pages.

If several committee pages are on the central server, perhaps it would
be possible to provide a global search engine to enable people to search
for ICOM work and interests without having to know which committee is

Leonard Will
Willpower Information       (Partners: Dr Leonard D Will, Sheena E Will)
Information Management Consultants              Tel: +44 (0)20 8372 0092
27 Calshot Way, Enfield, Middlesex EN2 7BQ, UK. Fax: +44 (0)20 8372 0094
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