There was an article in the Association of Systematics Collections
Newsletter in Dec, 1989, vol. 17, #6, by Hugh Genoways listing
master's programs that offered training in management of scientific
collections, based on a survey of 35 programs. Those offering such
emphasis were Arizona State Museum, California State University at
San Bernadino, Baylor University, George Washington University,
Indiana University, John F. Kennedy University, Oregon State
University, San Francisco State University, Texas A&M, Texas Tech,
University of Alska-Fairbanks, University of Arizona, University of
Denver, University of Kansas, University of Nebraska, University of
Oklahoma, University of Washington. Texas Tech (Lubbock) probably
has the best developed natural science program. On the other hand,
they insist on using the rather silly name "museology" instead of
museum studies (museology, the study of muses??).
--John Simmons, survivor of the Historical Administration and
Museum Studies program at Univ. Kansas (natural history museum
management track!!)