The Alutiiq Museum and Archaeological Repository is looking for a Fax machine.
                                  Our fax machine has faxed its max !
                                Weekly we fax and e-mail broadcast the
                           Alutiiq Word of the Week to several hundred people.
 If you or someone you know have a used fax machine that can broadcast 20+ numbers at one time and would like to donate
        it or sell at an inexpensive price please give us a call at 486-7004!  or e-mail us at [log in to unmask]

Dayna Brockman, Programs Manager
Alutiiq Museum & Archaeological Repository
215 Mission Road, Suite 101
Kodiak, Alaska 99615
voice:  (907) 486-7004
fax:  (907) 486-7048
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]