In response to Chandra's question I offer the folowing.
I sent it to the Chan623 unsuccessfully first. Penny Knowles comments make a
lot of sense too I ought to add having just read her reply

I can report that in New Zealand the national museum - Te Papa - about
100,000 sq feet of galleries - has a policy I intend to follow here in
Melbourne when we open our new facility in mid 2000. There is a difference
between the 2 museums in that Te Papa is FREE and we will be charged but I
think the same thing works for both.
They have a charge for school programs but not for people who just turn up.
School groups who arrive just for a wander round are issued with a map and a
schedule of times and places they are required to avoid in order to minmise
the disruption to groups doing booked programs. It is basically schools
looking after their own interests at that point and the process was very
well advertised right from the start. The old story start as you wish to
continue is very true and changing the way groups expect to be able to
operate is very hard. In terms of supervision - my thinking has always been
[and my experience is largely in museums with a door charge] that we
encourage accompanying adults by having them FREE but clearly expected to be
actively involved in the visit. How is that for starters\
Get back to me if you want to continue the discussion and I'd value any
feedback you get from others
Peter Millward
Manager Education & Visitor Services
Melbourne Museum
9651 8162