Dear Terry,

Thank you for your insight. I am not at all against retrieving an accession
for anyone - I am against dropping everything and doing it. As a library
manager, I climbed through dusty attic spaces to find ship plans or damp
basements to prowl through boxes and spent most of my tenure finding
accessions, cataloging the library, placing everything into archival-safe
boxes, folders, and such, developing the database, and recruiting people to
help facilitate the project. I would find any item for any library patron.

I don't think it would be outrageous or excessive to ask for a letter to
accurately describe the object and the date of donation to facilitate the
search. I will pass your comments along - thank you again! We may disagree
on this one item, but I'm sure you find me rather tolerant of many things
in museums. Cheers!
Jennifer L. Williams
Independent Museum-type Person (IMP)
Boone, NC

          "I'm a doctor! Not an escalator!"