I did a program as part of a Special Event that
included an mini exhibit on death in a rural
community around the turn of the century.

There was a lot of discussion beforehand as to
whether such a program was appropriate as part
of a Special Event that was family oriented.  The
biggest concern was that parents would object to
their young children viewing a body laid out in
a coffin.  Our response was to station an interpreter
outside the historical house where the "body", a
mannikin, was laid out to inform parents as to what
would be seen inside.
The fears proved to be unfounded.  Most parents were
thrilled with the exhibit and the program. We even
received requests from school groups and scout groups
to leave the exhibit up until they could visit.

If you would like to discuss this further, I would be
happy to do so.  I can even mail you a copy of the program.

Belinda Nickles