Hey Guys

I am pretty new to this list and may I say first and foremost that I am
a very very very proud American citizen. However I cannot help but to
totally support the Canadians out there on this list who are tired of
the Canada Bashing. To me it no different then racism. Sad to say,
America is ridden with it. If I am correct in assuming that Robert, (the
idioit who started that crap about Canada being another state)is white,
then it all makes since to me. Some White American's (NOT ALL OF THEM)
have an inferiority complex and they have to do whatever possible to
make themselves feel like their one up on everyone else. As an
African-American, I can totally share in the disgust that many of the
Canadian citizens on this list might feel towards people belittling them
because of their background. Correct me if I am wrong, maybe the
African-Canadians (if I can use such a term) or other ethnicities in
Canada can relate; I don't know. But when all is said and done, the
bottom line is this. There is absolutely NO PROBLEM whatsover in being
proud of your heritage, it's important to preserve whatever culture that
you may have, however it is not good to try to belittle other groups of
people when your showing your pride.


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