World War II - need I explain more?

Other might include, not necessarily in this order:
JFK's assassination
The Polio Vaccine
Princess Diana's death
Fall of USSR
Berlin Wall - going up and coming down
The car, the telephone, the television
Man on the Moon (space exploration)
organ transplantation - not only can it be done, but it now makes us
look at ethics and should it be done

I really can't pick just one, especially since I've only been alive for
a quarter of this century.

>With Millennium 'madness' looming, I thought it might be rather fun to
>invite LIST members and individuals to submit their pick of a single
>or decision that, in their opinion, made the most impact upon this
>The recommendations no doubt will be purely subjective ( perhaps a
>quirky) and should come with a short sentence of justification!
>The responses will be collated and published in the April edition of
>MUSEUM ( in the FORUM section).
>To save bandwidth, could I invite you to mail your contribution off the
>[log in to unmask]
>I am picking we will have a wide range of choices and l Iook forward to
>receiving the nominations

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