Subscribers to this list have already received advanced notice of this
year's Visitor Studies Association conference in Chicago, August 3 - 7.

But what you DON'T know is that our President, Ross Loomis, has been able to
negotiate a room rate of $119 a night, down from the recently advertised

Well done, Ross!!!

For those who have never participated in a VSA conference, I commend them to
you; the topics are invariably many and varied and the approach highly
practical.  I have found them to be the most interesting of any professional
conferences I have ever attended - in any field.

Thanks to Brenda Ward, VSA Office Coordinator, for the advance information!


Harry Needham
Special Advisor - Programme Development
Canadian War Museum
330 Sussex Drive,
Ottawa, Canada
K1A 0M8
Voice: (819) 776-8612  Fax (819) 776-8623
Email: [log in to unmask]